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[əˈkædəmi] noun 1. a place of study or training in a particular field, especially for higher education. 1. 一个特定领域的学习或培训场所,尤其是高等教育。 2. a society or institution of distinguished scholars, artists, or scientists that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field. 2. 旨在推广和维护某一特定领域标准的杰出学者、艺术家或科学家的社团或。 3. a secondary school, typically a private one. 3. 一所中学,通常是私立的。 4. an institution for the study of theology and religious history. 4. 研究神学和历史的。 5. an honorary title conferred on someone who has achieved outstanding success in a particular field. 5. 荣誉称号,授予在某一特定领域取得杰出成就的人。 Synonyms: school, institute, university, college Academy is derived from the Greek word "akadēmeia" which was the name of the public garden where Plato taught his students in ancient Athens. In modern times, academy refers to a place of learning or training in a specific field. In its most common usage, academy refers to an institution of higher education where students can pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in various fields such as science, arts, humanities, and business. These institutions are usually accredited by government agencies and offer rigorous academic programs designed to prepare students for their future careers. Example: 1. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Arts with a degree in Fine Arts. 她从皇家艺术学院毕业,获得美术学位。 2. The academy offers a wide range of courses in engineering, medicine, and law. 该学院提供广泛的工程、医学和法律课程。 However, academy can also refer to a society or institution of distinguished scholars, artists, or scientists who aim to promote and maintain standards in their particular field. These academies often have strict membership criteria and are highly respected in their respective fields. Example: 1. The National Academy of Sciences is an honorific society that recognizes outstanding achievement in science. 科学院是一个荣誉性社团,表彰在科学领域取得杰出成就的人。 2. The Royal Academy of Music is one of the oldest and most prestigious music schools in the world. 皇家音乐学院是世界上最古老、最负盛名的音乐学校之一。 In some cases, academy can also refer to a secondary school, typically a private one. These academies often have a specialized curriculum and focus on preparing students for college or university. Example: 1. She attended an all-girls academy for high school. 她上了一所女子高中。 Academy can also refer to an institution for the study of theology and religious history. These academies offer courses on various religious beliefs and practices and may also train individuals for careers in religious leadership. Example: 1. He studied at an Islamic academy to become an imam. 他在一所教学院就读,准备成为一名伊玛目。 Lastly, academy can also be used as an honorary title conferred on someone who has achieved outstanding success in a particular field. This usage is often seen in the entertainment industry, where actors, directors, and other professionals are recognized for their contributions to the industry. Example: 1. She was inducted into the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for her outstanding work in film. 她因其在电影界的杰出贡献被加入了电影艺术与科学学院。 Synonyms for academy include school, institute, university, and college. These words also refer to places of learning or training but may have different connotations depending on the context. In summary, academy refers to a place of study or training in a particular field, a society or institution of distinguished scholars or artists, a secondary school, an institution for the study of theology and religious history, or an honorary title given to someone who has achieved great success in their field. It is a versatile word that has been used since ancient times and continues to hold significance in modern society.



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