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英 [əbˈstruːs] 美 [əbˈstruːs] adjective abstruse is used to describe something that is difficult to understand because it is complicated or confusing. abstruse用于描述某些复杂或令人困惑的东西,因此很难理解。 1. The book has an abstruse plot that is difficult to follow. 这本书有一个复杂的情节,很难跟上。 2. The professor's lectures are so abstruse that most students can't understand them. 教授的讲座太深奥了,大多数学生都无法理解。 3. The poem was full of abstruse metaphors and symbols that left readers confused. 这首诗充满了深奥的比喻和象征,让读者感到困惑。 4. He tried to explain the concept, but it was too abstruse for me to grasp. 他试图解释这个概念,但对我来说太深奥了。 5. The company's financial reports are written in such abstruse language that even experts struggle to decipher them. 公司的财务报告用非常深奥的语言编写,即使专家也难以解读。 Synonyms: 1. obscure - not easily understood or clearly expressed 2. esoteric - intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest 3. arcane - understood by few; mysterious or secret 4. recondite - difficult or impossible for the ordinary person to understand; abstruse 5. cryptic - having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure Abstruse is a word that is often used to describe something that is difficult to understand because it is complicated or confusing. It comes from the Latin word "abstrusus" which means "hidden, concealed, secret." This word is often used in academic or technical contexts, where complex ideas and concepts are discussed. Abstruse can be pronounced as "əbˈstruːs" in British English and "əbˈstruːs" in American English. The stress is on the first syllable and the 's' at the end is silent. This word can be used as an adjective, meaning that it describes a noun. It can also be used as an adverb, meaning that it modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Some common synonyms for abstruse include obscure, esoteric, arcane, recondite, and cryptic. These words all have similar meanings but may have slightly different connotations. For example, obscure can also mean not well-known or hidden from view; esoteric refers to specialized knowledge; arcane suggests something mysterious or secret; recondite implies difficulty for ordinary people to understand; cryptic often implies hidden meaning. In summary, abstruse refers to something that is difficult to understand because it is complicated or confusing. It can be pronounced as "əbˈstruːs" in British English and "əbˈstruːs" in American English. It can be used as an adjective or adverb and has synonyms such as obscure, esoteric, arcane, recondite, and cryptic.



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