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意思:抽象的;摘要;梗概 怎么读(音标):[ˈæbstrækt] 用法:作形容词时,表示“抽象的”,作名词时,表示“摘要”或“梗概”。 例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. The concept of love is too abstract for some people to understand. 爱的概念对于一些人来说太抽象,难以理解。 2. The artist's paintings are known for their abstract style. 这位艺术家的画作以其抽象风格而闻名。 3. Can you give me a brief abstract of the report? 你能给我一个报告的简要摘要吗? 4. The book contains an abstract of each chapter at the beginning. 这本书在开头包含了每个章节的摘要。 5. The teacher asked the students to write an abstract for their research paper. 老师要求学生为他们的研究论文写一个摘要。 同义词及用法: 1. Summary(n.):总结;概括 例句:The summary at the end of the presentation helped the audience understand the main points. 2. Outline(n.):大纲;提纲 例句:Before writing the essay, it is important to create an outline to organize your thoughts. 3. Conceptual(adj.):观念上的;理论上的 例句:The professor's lecture was very conceptual and difficult for us to understand. 4. Brief(adj.):简要的;简短的 例句:The boss gave a brief explanation of the new project during the meeting. 5. Synopsis(n.):梗概;大纲 例句:The movie's synopsis gave away too much of the plot, so I didn't want to watch it anymore. 编辑总结: Abstract这个词既可以作形容词,也可以作名词,具有多重含义。作形容词时,表示抽象的概念或事物,常用于描述艺术作品或理论性的东西。作名词时,表示摘要或梗概,在学术领域、报告、论文等中经常使用。在写作中,我们可以根据具体情况选择合适的同义词来替换abstract,以丰富语言表达。总的来说,abstract是一个非常常用且灵活多变的单词,在英语学习中需要掌握其各种用法和同义词。



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