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/əbˈzɔːbɪŋ/ adjective 1. (of an activity or experience) extremely interesting and engaging, holding one's complete attention (of a substance) able to soak up liquid easily 1. (活动或经历) 非常有趣和吸引人,吸引了人们的全部注意力 (物质) 能够轻易地吸收液体 1. The book was so absorbing that I couldn't put it down until I finished it. 这本书太有趣了,我一直读到读完都不肯放下。 2. The sponge is made of an absorbing material that can quickly soak up spills. 这块海绵是由一种能迅速吸收液体的材料制成的。 3. absorbingly /əbˈzɔːbɪŋli/ adverb in an extremely interesting and engaging manner 3. 有趣地; 吸引人地 4. The movie was so absorbingly good that I lost track of time while watching it. 这部电影非常有趣,我在看的时候都忘记了时间。 5. The speaker captivated the audience with his absorbingly funny stories. 演讲者用他那些有趣的故事迷住了听众。 Synonyms: engaging, captivating, enthralling, fascinating, gripping, intriguing, compelling, riveting 同义词: 吸引人的、迷人的、迷住的、着迷的、引人入胜的、耐人寻味的、引人注目的、吸引人的 Usage: Absorbing is often used to describe activities, experiences, or substances that are interesting and engaging. It can also refer to something that is able to take in or soak up liquid easily. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. 用法: Absorbing通常用来描述有趣和吸引人的活动、经历或物质。它也可以指能够轻易吸收液体的东西。它可以在正式和非正式的环境中使用。 Editor's Summary: Absorbing is a versatile word that can be used to describe both captivating experiences and substances that soak up liquid easily. It is commonly used in everyday language and can add a touch of interest and engagement to any description. When writing, be sure to use it in the appropriate context to accurately convey its meaning.



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