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英 [əbˈzɔːb] 美 [əbˈsɔːrb] 用法:动词 释义:吸收,吸引,理解,专注于 例句: 1. The sponge can absorb a lot of water. 这块海绵可以吸收很多水。 2. She was so absorbed in her book that she didn't hear the phone ring. 她太专注于书中的内容,以至于没有听到响。 3. Plants absorb nutrients from the soil. 植物从土壤中吸收养分。 4. The company is trying to absorb the increased costs by cutting expenses. 公司正在努力通过削减开支来吸收增加的成本。 5. He couldn't absorb all the information in such a short time. 他无法在如此短的时间内吸收所有的信息。 同义词及用法: 1. Assimilate: 同样是指理解和吸收信息,但更强调将信息融入自己的思想和知识体系中。常用于描述学习过程中的知识吸收。 例句:He quickly assimilated all the new information and was able to apply it in his work. 2. Engross: 意为“全神贯注”,与absorb类似,但更强调对某件事情或活动的极大兴趣和投入。 例句:The children were engrossed in playing video games and didn't notice the time passing. 3. Imbibe: 意为“吸收,接受”,通常用于描述知识、道德准则等的吸收。 例句:He has imbibed the values of hard work and perseverance from his parents. 4. Soak up: 意为“吸收,学习”,侧重于通过不断接触和沉浸来吸收信息。 例句:She loves to travel and soak up the culture of different countries. 5. Consume: 意为“消耗,消费”,在某些情况下可以表示“吸收”。常用于描述精力、时间等的消耗。 例句:Her new job consumes all her time and energy, leaving her with little time for other activities. 编辑总结: Absorb是一个多义词,在不同的语境中可以表示吸收、理解、专注等不同意思。它常用于描述物质的吸收过程,也可以用来形容人对信息的接受和理解。与其近义词相比,absorb更偏向于强调对信息或者事物的全面接纳和融入。因此,在使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的同义词。



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