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[Definition] Absolute poverty refers to the state of living in extreme poverty, where individuals or households lack the basic necessities for survival such as food, shelter, and clothing. [How to pronounce] /ˌæb.səˈluːt ˈpɒv.ə.ti/ [Usage] Absolute poverty is a commonly used term in economics and social sciences to describe the most severe form of poverty. [Example Sentences] 1. Millions of people around the world are still living in absolute poverty, struggling to meet their basic needs. 数以百万计的人们仍然生活在绝对贫困之中,艰难地满足基本生活需求。 2. The government has implemented various policies to reduce absolute poverty and improve the living conditions of its citizens. 已经实施了各种来减少绝对贫困,改善公民的生活条件。 3. Despite economic growth, there are still pockets of absolute poverty in certain regions of the country. 尽管经济增长,但该国某些地区仍然存在绝对贫困的现象。 4. The United Nations has set a goal to eradicate absolute poverty by 2030 through sustainable development efforts. 联合国已经设定了2030年通过可持续发展努力消除绝对贫困的目标。 5. Children living in absolute poverty often suffer from malnutrition and lack access to education and healthcare. 生活在绝对贫困中的儿童通常会遭受营养不良,并且无法获得教育和医疗保健。 [Synonyms and Usage] Absolute poverty can also be referred to as extreme poverty, abject poverty, or destitution. These terms are often used interchangeably to describe the same concept of living in severe deprivation and lacking the basic necessities of life. [Editor's Summary] Absolute poverty is a critical issue that affects millions of people around the world. It highlights the urgent need for governments and organizations to address this problem through effective policies and sustainable development efforts. As individuals, we can also play a part by supporting initiatives that aim to alleviate absolute poverty and improve the lives of those who are most vulnerable.



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