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['ˈæbsəns] noun. 1. Meaning: Absence refers to the state of not being present or available, or the lack of something. 2. Pronunciation: ['ˈæbsəns] 3. Usage: Absence is used to describe the condition of not being present or available, or the lack of something. 4. Examples: 1) The absence of rain has caused a drought in this region. 干旱地区缺乏雨水。 2) His absence from work for two days was due to illness. 他两天没有上班是因为生病了。 3) The absence of evidence does not prove that he is innocent. 没有证据并不能证明他的清白。 4) In her absence, her colleagues had to take on extra responsibilities. 在她不在的时候,她的同事们不得不承担额外的责任。 5) She felt a sense of absence when her best friend moved away. 当她最好的朋友搬走时,她感到一种缺失感。 5. Synonyms and Usage: - Nonattendance: Refers specifically to not attending an event or meeting. Example: His nonattendance at the conference was disappointing. - Absenteeism: Refers to habitual absence from work or school without good reason. Example: The company has a strict policy against absenteeism. - Deficiency: Refers to a lack or shortage of something essential. Example: The deficiency of vitamins in his diet caused health problems. - Void: Refers to an emptiness or lack of something that should be there. Example: The void left by her departure was hard to fill. 6. Editor's Summary: Absence is a noun used to describe the state of not being present or available, or the lack of something. It can be used in various contexts and has synonyms such as nonattendance, absenteeism, deficiency, and void. Make sure to use it correctly in your writing to accurately convey the intended meaning.



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