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[əˈbrest] adverb 1. if people walk abreast, they are standing or walking side by side and facing in the same direction: e.g. The path is too narrow for us to walk abreast. 如果人们并排走路,他们是站着或走着并排站在一起,面朝同一个方向。 2. if people keep abreast of something, they make sure that they know about all the most recent facts and information about it: e.g. We try to keep abreast of current events. 如果人们跟上某件事的最新信息,他们会确保了解所有最新的事实和信息。 3. if two or more things happen abreast, they happen at the same time: e.g. The two runners crossed the finish line abreast. 如果两件或多件事情同时发生,则它们同时发生。 4. if you are abreast of a subject, you have the same level of knowledge about it as other people: e.g. She is well abreast of developments in her field. 如果你对某个主题了解得很透彻,则你与其他人拥有相同的知识水平。 5. if you stay abreast, you stay up-to-date with what is happening: e.g. I try to stay abreast of the latest news by reading newspapers every day. 如果你保持跟进,你会及时了解到正在发生的事情。 Synonyms: alongside, parallel to, in line with 同义词:沿着、平行于、与...一致 Editor's summary: "Abreast" is an adverb that can be used to describe people walking side by side, keeping up-to-date with information, or happening at the same time. It can also mean having the same level of knowledge as others. Other words with similar meanings include "alongside", "parallel to", and "in line with".



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