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/ˌeɪ biː ˈpiː/ noun abbr. for "ad blocker plus" - a browser extension used to block advertisements on websites 用法: ABP 是一个广告拦截程序,它在浏览器上运行,可以阻止网站上的广告。 例句1:我最近安装了 ABP,再也不会被烦人的广告打扰了。 I recently installed ABP and I no longer get annoyed by annoying ads. 例句2:许多用户都喜欢使用 ABP 来提高他们的网络浏览体验。 Many users prefer using ABP to enhance their browsing experience. 例句3:这个网站有太多弹出式广告,我需要安装ABP来阻止它们。 This website has too many pop-up ads, I need to install ABP to block them. 例句4:使用ABP可以提高您的网络浏览速度,因为它可以减少加载时间。 Using ABP can improve your browsing speed as it reduces loading time. 例句5:如果您厌倦了网站上的广告,请尝试安装ABP来解决这个问题。 If you're tired of ads on websites, try installing ABP to solve the issue. 同义词及用法: - Ad blocker: a software or extension that blocks advertisements on websites. - Ad remover: a tool that removes advertisements from webpages. - Popup blocker: a program that prevents pop-up windows from appearing on your screen. - Ad filter: a feature or tool that filters out unwanted advertisements while browsing. 编辑总结: ABP 是一个流行的浏览器扩展,它可以帮助用户阻止网站上的广告。它可以提高用户的网络浏览体验,并减少加载时间。除了 ABP,还有许多其他类似的工具可以帮助用户过滤掉烦人的广告。



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