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[əˈbɔːʃn] noun: 1. the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. 2. any premature expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the womb. 用法: 1. abortion是一个可数名词,指的是人类妊娠的有意终止,通常在怀孕的前28周内进行。 2. 也可以指胚胎或胎儿早期从中排出。 例句: 1. She decided to have an abortion after realizing she was not ready to be a mother. 她意识到自己还没有准备好当母亲,因此决定要进行堕胎。 2. Abortion is a highly debated ic in many countries around the world. 堕胎是世界上许多都在激烈讨论的话题。 3. The doctor advised against having an abortion and suggested alternative options. 医生建议不要进行堕胎,并提出了其他选择。 4. In some countries, abortion is legal and easily accessible, while in others it is heavily restricted. 在一些,堕胎是合法且容易获得的,而在其他则受到严格限制。 5. The high rate of teen pregnancies has led to an increase in abortions among young girls. 青少年怀孕率居高不下导致年轻女孩堕胎率增加。 同义词及用法: 1. Termination: 可以指人类妊娠的有意终止,也可以指其他形式的结束或终止。 2. Miscarriage: 指胚胎或胎儿在未满28周时自然排出,通常是由于健康问题导致的。 3. Induced miscarriage: 指通过药物或手术等方式人为引发的早期流产。 编辑总结: 堕胎是一个备受争议的话题,虽然在某些是合法且容易获得的,但在其他却受到严格限制。无论个人对于堕胎持何种立场,我们都应该尊重每个人做出自己选择的权利,并为提供安全和合法的堕胎手术而努力。



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