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[ˈeɪblˌtɑn] n. 1. 艾布顿(音乐制作软件) Ableton是一款专业的音乐制作软件,于1999年由德国的Gerhard Behles和Robert Henke共同开发。它可以用于多种音乐创作和表演,包括录制、混音、编曲、即兴演奏和现场表演等。 1. I've been using Ableton for years and it's my go-to software for music production. 我用Ableton已经有好几年了,它是我做音乐制作的首选软件。 2. Ableton allows you to easily record and edit audio tracks, making it perfect for musicians and producers. Ableton可以轻松地录制和编辑音轨,非常适合音乐人和制作人使用。 3. The live performance feature of Ableton is what sets it apart from other music production software. Ableton的现场表演功能是它与其他音乐制作软件的区别所在。 4. Many famous musicians and DJs use Ableton in their live performances, such as Deadmau5 and Daft Punk. 许多著名的音乐家和DJ在他们的现场表演中都使用Ableton,比如Deadmau5和Daft Punk。 5. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Ableton is a must-have tool for any musician or producer. 凭借其用户友好的界面和强大的功能,Ableton是任何音乐人或制作人必备的工具。 同义词及用法: 1. Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) - Ableton is a type of DAW that is used for music production and performance. 数字音频工作站(DAW)- Ableton是一种用于音乐制作和表演的DAW软件。 2. Logic Pro - This is another popular DAW software that is often compared to Ableton. Logic Pro - 这是另一款流行的DAW软件,经常与Ableton进行比较。 3. GarageBand - While not as advanced as Ableton, GarageBand is a more beginner-friendly DAW option for music production. GarageBand - 虽然没有Ableton那么先进,但它是一个更适合初学者的DAW软件选择。 4. FL Studio - This DAW software is known for its electronic music production capabilities, but it can also be used for other genres like hip hop and pop. FL Studio - 这款DAW软件以其电子音乐制作能力而闻名,但也可以用于其他流派,比如嘻哈和流行音乐。 5. Pro Tools - This is another professional-grade DAW software that is commonly used in recording studios and by professional musicians. Pro Tools - 这是另一款专业级别的DAW软件,通常在录音棚和专业音乐人中使用。 编辑总结: Ableton是一款功能强大且易于使用的音乐制作软件,它可以满足多种创作和表演需求。它的现场表演功能使其在音乐界备受推崇,并被众多知名音乐人和DJ使用。与其他DAW软件相比,Ableton具有更加直观的界面和独特的特色,是任何音乐人或制作人必不可少的工具。



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