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['əˈbleɪz'] adjective 1. burning fiercely. 2. very bright and full of light or color. 3. filled with enthusiasm or excitement. 1. 燃烧的,熊熊燃烧的;闪耀的 2. 明亮的,光彩夺目的;色彩鲜艳的 3. 充满热情的,激动的 1. The house was ablaze with the fire. 这所房子正在被大火吞噬。 2. The sky was ablaze with stars. 天空中星光闪耀。 3. His face was ablaze with anger. 他满脸愤怒。 4. The garden was ablaze with color. 花园里色彩斑斓。 5. She is ablaze with enthusiasm for her new job. 她对新工作充满了热情。 Synonyms: 1. burning, flaming, fiery, blazing, raging, scorching 2. bright, brilliant, dazzling, radiant, luminous 3. enthusiastic, passionate, excited, fervent Editor's Summary: Ablaze is an adjective that describes something that is burning fiercely or full of light or color or someone who is filled with enthusiasm or excitement. It can be used to describe physical objects such as fire or stars, but also emotions and feelings in a person. Synonyms for ablaze include burning, bright and enthusiastic.



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