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/əˈbɪtjʊər/ noun 1. (德国的)大学入学资格考试 2. (德国的)高中毕业考试 3. (欧洲各国的)大学入学考试 1. The Abitur is the university entrance examination in Germany. abitur是德国的大学入学资格考试。 2. The Abitur is the final exam that students take before graduating from high school in Germany. abitur是德国高中毕业生在毕业前要参加的最后一次考试。 3. In many European countries, students must pass the Abitur in order to gain admission to university. 在许多欧洲,学生必须通过abitur才能被大学录取。 Synonyms: university entrance examination, university admission exam, high school graduation exam 用法说明: Abitur是来自拉丁语“abi”(意为“离开”)和“tur”(意为“工作”)的合成词,字面意思是“离开工作”。它源自19世纪末,当时德国为了提高素质而设立了这一考试。随着时间的推移,Abitur逐渐演变成了现在用于衡量高中生是否具备上大学资格的重要标准。 例句: 1. In Germany, students must pass the Abitur in order to attend university. 在德国,学生必须通过abitur才能上大学。 2. My daughter is studying hard for her Abitur exams next year. 我女儿正在为明年的abitur考试努力学习。 3. The Abitur is a challenging exam that requires students to demonstrate their knowledge and critical thinking skills. abitur是一项具有挑战性的考试,要求学生展示他们的知识和批判性思维能力。 4. The results of the Abitur exams will determine which universities students are eligible to apply for. abitur考试的结果将决定学生可以申请哪些大学。 5. Many students in Germany start preparing for the Abitur from a young age, as it is an important step towards their future education and career. 很多德国学生从小就开始为abitur做准备,因为它是他们未来教育和职业发展的重要一步。 编辑总结: Abitur是德国和其他欧洲的重要考试,它决定了高中毕业生是否具备上大学的资格。这项考试要求学生具备广泛的知识和批判性思维能力,因此备受挑战。它也是衡量一个教育水平的重要指标。



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