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/əˈbɪt/ noun 1. a small amount of something, especially something good or pleasant 2. a little bit 1. 一点,少量,特别是好的或令人愉快的东西 2. 一点点 用法:abit通常作为名词使用。 例句: 1. Could you add just an abit more sugar to the cake?你能再给蛋糕加点糖吗? 2. I only have an abit of money with me right now, but I'll pay you back later.我现在只有一点钱,但我以后会还给你的。 3. She has been feeling abit lonely since her best friend moved away.自从她最好的朋友搬走后,她一直感觉有点孤单。 4. The weather is nice today, let's go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air for an abit.今天天气很好,我们出去散步,享受一下新鲜空气吧。 5. He's not very good at cooking, but he can make an abit of delicious pasta dish.他不太擅长做饭,但他能做出一道美味的意大利面。 同义词及用法: - A little bit: 与abit意思相同,用法也相似。:I'm only going to have a little bit of ice cream. - A tad: 与abit意思相近,表示非常小的数量。:Could you turn up the volume just a tad? - A smidgen: 与abit意思相似,表示极小的量。:I only need a smidgen of salt for this recipe. - A touch: 与abit意思相近,表示一点点。:Could you add a touch of cinnamon to the dish? - A pinch: 与abit意思相似,表示一小撮。:This recipe calls for a pinch of salt. 编辑总结: abit是一个常用的词汇,可以用来表示一点、少量或特别好的东西。它的同义词有a little bit、a tad、a smidgen、a touch和a pinch,它们都可以用来表达类似的含义。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到abit这个词来描述某些事物或情况中的小细节或特点。因此,熟练掌握abit及其同义词的用法能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的想法和感受。



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