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['æbɪn] noun. Abin is the name of a male or female. It comes from the Hebrew name Avi, which means "father" and is often used as a nickname for Abraham. Usage: 1. Abin can be used as a given name for both boys and girls. 2. It can also be used as a nickname for Abraham. Examples: 1. My friend's name is Abin and she is one of the kindest people I know. (我的朋友名叫Abin,她是我认识的最善良的人之一。) 2. Abin is a unique name that has a beautiful meaning behind it. (Abin是一个独特的名字,它背后有着美丽的含义。) 3. Abraham was known as Abin by his close friends and family. (亚伯拉罕被他的亲密朋友和家人称为Abin。) 4. The parents chose to name their son Abin after his grandfather, whose name was also Abraham. (父母选择以他们儿子祖父的名字,也就是亚伯拉罕来命名他们的儿子Abin。) 5. Many people mispronounce my name, Abin, thinking it's short for Abraham, but it's actually my full given name. (很多人都会把我的名字Abin念错,以为它是亚伯拉罕的简称,但实际上这就是我的全名。) Synonyms: 1. Avi - This is the original Hebrew form of the name from which Abin is derived. 2. Abraham - This is the full name that Abin can be a nickname for. Editor's Summary: Abin is a unique and versatile name that can be used for both boys and girls. It has a beautiful meaning behind it and can also be used as a nickname for Abraham. It is important to note that Abin is not just a shortened version of Abraham, but can also be used as a given name on its own.



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