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一:abide的用法的意思 abide是一个动词,意为“遵守、忍受、居住、持续存在”。它源于古英语的“ābīdan”,意为“等待、忍受”。在现代英语中,abide通常用作不及物动词,表示遵守某种规则或者坚持某种态度。同时,它也可以作为及物动词,表示忍受或者容忍某种情况。 二:怎么读(音标) abide的音标为/əˈbaɪd/。 三:用法 1. abide by something:遵守某事物 例句:He has always abided by the rules of the game. (他一直都遵守游戏规则。) 2. abide by somebody's decision:服从某人的决定 例句:We have to abide by the judge's decision, even if we don't agree with it. (我们必须服从的决定,即使我们不同意。) 3. abide in something:居住在某处 例句:She abides in a small village in the mountains. (她居住在山里的一个小村庄。) 4. abide with somebody:和某人一起生活或者居住 例句:I will abide with my family until I find a job and can afford my own place. (我会和我的家人一起生活,直到我找到工作并能够负担自己的住处。) 5. abide something:忍受或者容忍某事物 例句:I can't abide his constant complaining. (我无法忍受他不断的抱怨。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. She always abides by her mother's advice. (她总是遵守她母亲的建议。) 2. The company must abide by the laws and regulations of the country it operates in. (公司必须遵守所在的法律法规。) 3. We have to abide by the decision of the majority, even if we don't agree with it. (我们必须遵守多数人的决定,即使我们不同意。) 4. The monks abide in a monastery deep in the mountains, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. (这些僧侣居住在深山里的一座寺院里,远离城市的喧嚣。) 5. I can't abide people who are always late for appointments. (我无法容忍那些总是迟到约会的人。) 五:同义词及用法 1. comply with:遵守、服从 2. conform to:符合、遵守 3. adhere to:坚持、遵循 4. tolerate:忍受、容忍 5. bear with:忍耐、容忍 六:编辑总结 abide作为一个多义词,在不同的语境下有着不同的用法。它可以表示遵守某种规则或者决定,也可以表示忍耐或者容忍某种情况。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到abide这个词,因此熟练掌握其用法对于提高英语水平是非常重要的。同时,通过学习同义词的用法,也可以丰富我们的词汇量,并且在表达时更加准确、生动。



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