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[ˌeɪbiːˈdʒiː] noun 1. abg: a term used in online slang to refer to someone who is considered "average" or "boring", often used in a derogatory manner. 例句1:She's such an abg, she never wants to do anything fun. 她太无聊了,她从来不想做任何有趣的事情。 例句2:Don't be such an abg, let's go out and have some fun! 别这么无聊,我们出去玩玩吧! 例句3:I can't believe you're dating an abg, she has no personality. 我真不敢相信你会和一个这么无聊的人约会,她一点个性都没有。 例句4:Everyone at the party was so boring, I felt like I was surrounded by abgs. 派对上的每个人都太无聊了,我感觉自己被一群平庸的人包围着。 例句5:I hate it when people call me an abg, I'm just not as outgoing as they are. 当别人称呼我为abg时我很讨厌,我只是没有他们那样外向而已。 同义词及用法: - Basic: This is another term used to describe someone who is considered average or boring. It can also be used in a derogatory manner. - Normie: Similar to "abg", this word is often used to describe someone who is considered average or mainstream in their interests and behavior. 编辑总结: "Abg" is a slang term that is used to describe someone who is considered average or uninteresting. It is often used in a derogatory manner and can be seen as a way to belittle someone's personality or interests. This term may be used by individuals who consider themselves to be more unique or interesting than those they are referring to as "abgs". It is important to use this term with caution and not to use it to insult others.



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