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英 [ə'bæʃ] 美 [ə'bæʃ] vt. 使难堪;使窘迫;使羞愧 用法:abash是一个及物动词,意为“使难堪,使窘迫,使羞愧”。 1. She was abashed by his honesty. 她被他的诚实所折服。 2. He was abashed by her tears. 她的眼泪让他感到窘迫。 3. The teacher's sharp criticism abashed the student. 老师尖锐的批评让学生感到难堪。 4. He felt abashed when he forgot the words during the speech. 当演讲时忘了词语,他感到很尴尬。 5. She was abashed when she realized she had made a mistake in front of her boss. 当她意识到在老板面前犯了一个错误时,她感到很尴尬。 同义词及用法: 1. embarrass (v.) 使困窘 例句:She was embarrassed by her lack of knowledge on the subject. 她对自己对这个主题的知识缺乏而感到困窘。 2. mortify (v.) 使羞愧 例句:The criticism from her boss mortified her. 老板的批评让她感到羞愧。 3. shame (v.) 使羞耻 例句:He was shamed by his dishonesty. 他因为不诚实而感到羞耻。 4. humiliate (v.) 使丢脸 例句:The defeat in the game humiliated the team. 比赛中的失败让球队感到丢脸。 编辑总结: abash是一个常用的及物动词,意为“使难堪,使窘迫,使羞愧”。它可以用来描述一个人因为某种原因而感到尴尬、难堪或羞愧。它的同义词有embarrass、mortify、shame和humiliate,它们都可以用来表达类似的含义。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的词语来表达人们的情绪和感受。



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