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[ə'bændənd] adjective 1. left and no longer cared for or used (被)抛弃的,遗弃的,废弃的 1. The abandoned factory was slowly being taken over by nature. 那座废弃的工厂正慢慢地被大自然占领。 2. He felt like an abandoned child, alone and helpless. 他感觉自己像一个被遗弃的孩子,孤单无助。 3. They had to leave their home and all their possessions behind, abandoned to the enemy forces. 他们不得不放下家园和所有财产,随时可能被敌抓获。 4. The puppy was found abandoned on the side of the road. 这只小狗被在路边被遗弃。 5. She felt abandoned by her friends when they sped talking to her. 当朋友们不再和她交谈时,她感到被抛弃了。 Synonyms: deserted, forsaken, neglected, discarded Editor's Summary: "Abandoned" is an adjective that describes something that has been left behind and is no longer cared for or used. It can also refer to a feeling of being left alone or unsupported by others. This word can be used to describe physical objects, places, or people who have been neglected or discarded. Synonyms for "abandoned" include "deserted," "forsaken," "neglected," and "discarded."



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