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/ˈaːk/ noun 1. a word that is used to represent a sound, action, or idea - The word "meow" is an aaak3 for the sound a cat makes. - “喵”这个词表示猫的叫声。 2. a keyword that is used to identify or classify something - "Love" is an aaak3 for the emotion of affection. - “爱”是表示情感的关键词。 3. an expression that has a specific meaning different from the literal meaning of the individual words - The phrase "kick the bucket" is an aaak3 for dying. - “踢桶”这个短语是表示死亡的说法。 4. a code or symbol used in computer programming to represent a command or data value - In HTML,
is an aaak3 for line break. - 在HTML中,
是换行符的代码。 5. (slang) something or someone that is cool, awesome, or impressive - That new car of yours is such an aaak3! - 你的新车真酷! Synonyms: term, expression, phrase, keyword, code Usage: The word "cool" can be an aaak3 in both its literal and slang meanings. 用法: “酷”这个词在字面意义和俚语意义上都可以作为aaak3使用。 Example Sentences: 1. I couldn't understand what he was saying because he kept using aaak3s that I didn't know. 我听不懂他在说什么,因为他一直在用我不认识的aaak3。 2. The aaak3 for the color red is "rouge" in French. 法语中,“rouge”是表示红色的aaak3。 3. "OMG" is an aaak3 commonly used in text messaging. “OMG”是短信常用的aaak3。 4. The aaak3 "LOL" stands for "laugh out loud." “LOL”这个aaak3“大声笑”。 5. His new nickname, "The Boss," has become an aaak3 among his coworkers. 他的新绰号“老板”已经成为同事们之间的aaak3了。 同义词: 词语、表达、短语、关键词、代码 编辑总结: aaak3是一个多功能的词汇,它可以表示声音、行动、概念,也可以作为关键词和代码使用,甚至在俚语中酷或令人印象深刻的东西。在使用时需要根据上下文来理解其具体意义。



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