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['eɪ-rɔɪ] 名词 a-roy是一个名词,读作eɪ-rɔɪ,意思是一种有机化合物,它的分子式为C8H9NO2。它是一种天然存在的氨基酸,在人体中具有重要的生理功能。 A-roy is a noun, pronounced as eɪ-rɔɪ, which refers to an organic compound with the molecular formula C8H9NO2. It is a naturally occurring amino acid and plays important physiological roles in the human body. 例句: 1. A-roy is essential for the synthesis of proteins in the human body. a-roy对于人体内蛋白质的合成至关重要。 2. The body cannot produce a-roy on its own and must obtain it from dietary sources. 身体无法自行产生a-roy,必须从饮食中获取。 3. A-roy is found in many protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, and dairy products. a-roy存在于许多富含蛋白质的食物中,如肉类、鱼类和乳制品。 4. Some studies have shown that a-roy may have potential health benefits, such as improving memory and reducing anxiety. 一些研究表明,a-roy可能具有潜在的健康益处,如改善记忆和减轻焦虑。 5. People with certain medical conditions may need to supplement their diet with a-roy to maintain adequate levels in their body. 某些疾病患者可能需要补充饮食中的a-roy,以维持体内足够的水平。 同义词及用法: a-roy是一种氨基酸,它与其他氨基酸一起构成了蛋白质的基本结构。其他一些常见的氨基酸包括谷氨酸、丙氨酸和赖氨酸。它们在人体中具有不同的功能,但都是身体必需的重要营养物质。 编辑总结: a-roy是一个重要的有机化合物,它在人体内发挥着多种生理功能。尽管可以通过食物摄入,但某些人可能需要额外补充来满足身体需求。了解a-roy的作用可以帮助我们更好地保持健康并改善生活质量。



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