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1. added - [ˈædɪd] - v. 添加,增加 - They added extra seats to the theater for the sold-out show. 他们为售完的演出在剧院增加了额外的座位。 2. asked - [ˈæskt] - v. 询问,要求 - She asked her boss for a raise. 她向老板要求加薪。 3. became - [bɪˈkeɪm] - v. 成为,变成 - She became a doctor after years of hard work. 经过多年的努力,她成为了一名医生。 4. called - [kɔld] - v. 称呼,打 - He called his mom to let her know he arrived safely. 他给妈妈打让她知道他安全到达了。 5. decided - [dɪˈsaɪdɪd] - v. 决定,下决心 - They decided to move to a new city for better job opportunities. 他们决定搬到一个新城市寻求更好的工作机会。 6. earned - [ərnd] - v. 赚得,挣得(钱)- He earned a lot of money from his successful business venture last year. 7. found - [faʊnd] – v。,找到 – I found my lost keys under the couch cushion yesterday. 8. got – [gɒt] – v。得到,获得 – She got a promotion at work after her hard work was recognized. 9. had – [hæd] – v。有,拥有 – They had a great time on their vacation in Hawaii. 10. included – [ɪnˈkluːdɪd] – v。包括,包含 – The package included a free gift with purchase. 11. joined – [dʒɔɪnd] – v。加入,参加 – He joined the gym to get in shape for his upcoming marathon. 12. kept – [kept] – v。保持,保留 - She kept her promise to help her friend move into her new apartment. 13. learned - [lɜːrnd] - v. 学习,学会 - He learned how to play the guitar by watching online tutorials. 14. made - [meɪd] - v. 制作,做出 - She made a delicious dinner for her family using a new recipe. 15. needed - [ˈniːdɪd] - v. 需要,必须 - They needed to finish their project before the deadline. 16. opened - [ˈoʊpənd] - v. 打开,开放 - The store opened early for Black Friday sales. 17. played - [pleɪd] - v. 玩耍,演奏(乐器)- The children played in the park all afternoon. 18. quit - [kwɪt] - v。退出,辞职- She quit her job and started her own business. 19. ran – [ræn] – v。跑步,经营(业务)- He ran a successful restaurant for 10 years before retiring. 20. saw – [sɔː] – v。看见,锯开(木头)- She saw her favorite singer in concert last night. 21. took – [tʊk] – v。拿,带走- He took a long vacation to relax and recharge. 22. understood - [ˌʌndərˈstʊd] - v. 理解,明白 - She understood the importance of saving money for the future. 23. visited - [ˈvɪzɪtɪd] - v. 参观,拜访 - They visited their grandparents every summer when they were kids. 24. watched - [wɑːtʃt] - v. 观看,注视 - They watched the sunset from the beach every evening during their vacation. 25. yelled - [jeld] - v。大声喊叫,吼叫- She yelled at her kids to s fighting and go to bed. 26. zoomed – [zuːmd] – v。快速移动,放大 – He zoomed in on the map to see the street names more clearly. 同义词及用法: 1. added: increased, supplemented 2. asked: inquired, requested 3. became: turned into, transformed into 4. called: named, phoned 5. decided: determined, resolved 编辑总结: 过去式单词是英语语法中不可或缺的一部分,它们用于描述已经发生过的动作或状态。学习并掌握这些单词的意思和用法可以帮助我们更准确地表达过去发生的事情。在写作中,正确使用过去式单词也可以使文章更加生动有趣。因此,熟练掌握这些过去式单词是非常重要的。



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