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[55ccmm] /ˌfɪftiˈfɪv/ noun. 55ccmm is an abbreviation for the phrase "fifty-five cubic centimeters", which refers to the volume of an engine's cylinder. It is commonly used in the automotive industry to describe small engines, especially those found in motorcycles and scooters. Example sentences: 1. My new motorcycle has a powerful 55ccmm engine that allows me to easily navigate through city traffic. 我的新摩托车配备了一台强劲的55ccmm引擎,使我能够轻松穿梭于城市交通中。 2. The 55ccmm engine on this scooter may be small, but it can still reach high speeds. 这辆踏板车上的55ccmm引擎虽小,但仍可达到高速。 3. The mechanic recommended upgrading to a 55ccmm engine for better performance on my dirt bike. 机修师傅建议我将我的越野摩托车升级到一台55ccmm引擎,以获得更好的性能。 4. The new model of this scooter boasts a more fuel-efficient 55ccmm engine. 这款踏板车的新型号拥有一台更加节能的55ccmm引擎。 5. The 55ccmm engine on this motorcycle is perfect for beginners or those looking for a more economical ride. 这辆摩托车上的55ccmm引擎非常适合初学者或寻求更经济实惠骑行方式的人。 Synonyms: - 55cc - 55 cubic centimeters - fifty-five cubic centimeters Usage: The term 55ccmm is commonly used in the automotive industry, particularly when discussing engine sizes for motorcycles and scooters. It is also frequently used in product descriptions and specifications for these vehicles. As an editor, it is important to ensure that this term is spelled and punctuated correctly, as well as used consistently throughout a piece of writing. Additionally, it may be helpful to provide context or a definition for readers who may not be familiar with this abbreviation.



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