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1. abandon [ə'bændən] 读音:/əˈbændən/ 用法:动词,表示放弃、抛弃或舍弃某物或某人。 例句:He abandoned his car on the side of the road and walked home. (他把车丢在路边,步行回家。) 2. abate [ə'beɪt] 读音:/əˈbeɪt/ 用法:动词,表示减少、减轻或变弱。 例句:The storm will abate by tomorrow morning. (明天早上风暴将会减弱。) 3. abide [ə'baɪd] 读音:/əˈbaɪd/ 用法:动词,表示遵守、忍受或停留。 例句:We must abide by the rules of the game. (我们必须遵守游戏规则。) 4. abolish [ə'bɑlɪʃ] 读音:/əˈbɑlɪʃ/ 用法:动词,表示废除、取消或消灭。 例句:The government plans to abolish the death penalty. (计划废除。) 5. abrupt [ə'brʌpt] 读音:/əˈbrʌpt/ 用法:形容词,表示突然的、意外的或唐突的。 例句:His abrupt departure left us all in shock. (他突然离开让我们都感到震惊。) 6. absorb [əb'sɔrb] 读音:/əbˈsɔrb/ 用法:动词,表示吸收、接受或理解。 例句:Plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil. (植物从土壤中吸收水分和养分。) 7. abstract ['æbstrækt] 读音:/ˈæbstrækt/ 用法:形容词,表示抽象的、理论的或不具体的。 例句:The concept of love is too abstract for some people to understand. (爱的概念对于一些人来说太抽象,难以理解。) 8. abundant [ə'bʌndənt] 读音:/əˈbʌndənt/ 用法:形容词,表示丰富的、充足的或大量的。 例句:There is an abundant supply of fresh fruits and vegetables in the summer. (夏天有大量新鲜水果和蔬菜供应。) 9. abyss ['æbɪs] 读音:/ˈæbɪs/ 用法:名词,表示深渊、无底洞或无边际。 例句:The ocean floor drops into an abyss that is thousands of meters deep. (海底陷入了数千米深的深渊。) 10. accelerate [æk'seləreɪt] 读音:/ækˈseləreɪt/ 用法:动词,表示加速、促进或增加。 例句:The company plans to accelerate its expansion into international markets. (公司计划加快进国际市场。) 11. access ['ækses] 读音:/ˈækses/ 用法:名词,表示接近、进入或使用的权利。 例句:The building has wheelchair access for people with disabilities. (这栋建筑物为残疾人提供轮椅进出通道。) 12. acclaim [ə'kleɪm] 读音:/əˈkleɪm/ 用法:动词,表示欢呼、称赞或赞扬。 例句:The new movie was acclaimed by critics and audiences alike. (这部新电影受到评论家和观众的一致好评。) 13. accommodate [ə'kɑmədeɪt] 读音:/əˈkɑmədeɪt/ 用法:动词,表示容纳、适应或满足需求。 例句:The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests at a time. (这家酒店可以同时容纳多达200位客人。) 14. accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] 读音:/əˈkʌmpəni/ 用法:动词,表示陪伴、伴随或附带发生。 例句:I will accompany you to the airport tomorrow morning. (明天早上我会陪你去机场。) 15. accomplish [ə'kɑmplɪʃ] 读音:/əˈkɑmplɪʃ/ 用法:动词,表示完成、实现或达成。 例句:He accomplished his goal of climbing Mount Everest. (他实现了登顶珠穆朗玛峰的目标。) 16. accord [ə'kɔrd] 读音:/əˈkɔrd/ 用法:名词,表示一致、符合或协议。 例句:The two sides reached an accord on the terms of the contract. (双方就合同条款达成了一致。) 17. accumulate [ə'kjumjəleɪt] 读音:/əˈkjumjəleɪt/ 用法:动词,表示积累、堆积或聚集。 例句:Over the years, he has accumulated a large fortune through hard work. (多年来,他通过努力工作积累了一大笔财富。) 18. accurate ['ækjərət] 读音:/ˈækjərət/ 用法:形容词,表示准确的、精确的或正确的。 例句:The weather forecast was accurate and we were able to plan our outdoor activities accordingly. (天气预报准确无误,我们能够相应地安排户外活动。) 19. accuse [ə'kjuz] 读音:/əˈkjuz/ 用法:动词,表示指责、控告或谴责。 例句:He was accused of stealing money from his employer. (他被指控从雇主那里偷钱。) 20. accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd] 读音:/əˈkʌstəmd/ 用法:形容词,表示习惯的、惯常的或熟悉的。 例句:I am not accustomed to eating spicy food. (我不习惯吃辣食。) 21. ache [eɪk] 读音:/eɪk/ 用法:名词,表示疼痛或难受的感觉。 例句:My head is throbbing with a dull ache. (我的头痛得难受。) 22. acknowledge [ək'nɑlɪdʒ] 读音:/əkˈnɑlɪdʒ/ 用法:动词,表示承认、确认或感谢。 例句:She acknowledged her mistake and apologized for it. (她承认了自己的错误,并为此道歉。) 23. acquire [ə'kwaɪr] 读音:/əˈkwaɪr/ 用法:动词,表示获得、学到或养成。 例句:He acquired a new skill through years of practice. (经过多年的练习,他获得了一项新技能。) 24. acquit [ə'kwɪt] 读音:/əˈkwɪt/ 用法:动词,表示宣判无罪或表现无辜。 例句:The jury acquitted the defendant of all charges. (陪审团宣判被告无罪。) 25. activate ['æktəveɪt] 读音:/ˈæktəveɪt/ 用法:动词,表示启动、激活或使活跃。 例句:Please activate your account by clicking on the link in the email. (请通过点击邮件中的链接来激活您的账户。) 26. acute [ə'kjut] 读音:/əˈkjut/ 用法:形容词,表示严重的、敏锐的或急性的。 例句:The patient was suffering from acute pain in his chest. (病人胸部剧烈疼痛。) 27. adamant ['ædəmənt] 读音:/'ædəmənt/ 用法:形容词,表示坚定不移的、固执的或坚硬的。 例句:She was adamant about not changing her mind. (她坚决不改变主意。) 28. adapt [ə'dæpt] 读音:/əˈdæpt/ 用法:动词,表示适应、调整或改编。 例句:She had to adapt to a new culture when she moved to a different country. (她搬到另一个后必须适应新文化。) 29. addict ['ædɪkt] 读音:/ˈædɪkt/ 用法:名词,表示瘾君子或上瘾者。 例句:He is a drug addict and needs help to overcome his addiction. (他是个者,需要帮助戒除瘾症。) 30. adhere [ə'dhɪr] 读音:/əˈdɪr/ 用法:动词,表示粘附、遵守或坚持。 例句:The wallpaper adhered to the wall with strong glue. (壁纸用强力胶水粘在墙上。) 31. adjacent [ə'dʒesnt] 读音:/əˈdʒesnt/ 用法:形容词,表示邻近的、相邻的或毗连的。 例句:Our office is located in the building adjacent to the bank. (我们的办公室就在银行旁边的大楼里。) 32. adjoin [ə'dʒɔɪn] 读音:/əˈdʒɔɪn/ 用法:动词,表示毗连、紧靠或



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