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1. /ə/: schwa, unstressed neutral vowel sound, similar to the "uh" sound in "about" 2. /ɑː/: long a, open back unrounded vowel sound, similar to the "a" sound in "father" 3. /æ/: short a, open front unrounded vowel sound, similar to the "a" sound in "cat" 4. /eɪ/: diphthong ai, combination of the sounds /e/ and /ɪ/, similar to the "ay" sound in "say" 5. /iː/: long e, high front unrounded vowel sound, similar to the "ee" sound in "see" 6. /ɛ/: short e, mid front unrounded vowel sound, similar to the "e" sound in "bed" 7. /oʊ/: diphthong ow, combination of the sounds /o/ and /ʊ/, similar to the "oe" sound in "toe" 8. /uː/: long u, high back rounded vowel sound, similar to the "oo" sound in "too" 9. /ʌ/: short u or caret u, mid central unrounded vowel sound, similar to the "uh" sound in "cut" 10. /ɜː/: long er or schwa-r, r-colored mid central unrounded vowel sound 11. /ər/: r-controlled schwa or vocalic r, unstressed neutral vowel followed by an r 12. /aɪ/: diphthong ay or ai or eye or ei or i-e or y-ei or y-ai or igh or ye, combination of the sounds /a/ and /ɪ/, similar to the "eye" sound in "high" 13. /aʊ/: diphthong ow or ou, combination of the sounds /a/ and /ʊ/, similar to the "ow" sound in "how" 14. /eə/: diphthong air or are or ear or ere or eir, combination of the sounds /e/ and /ə/, similar to the "air" sound in "hair" 15. /ɔː/: long o, open-mid back rounded vowel sound, similar to the "aw" sound in "saw" 16. /ɔɪ/: diphthong oy or oi, combination of the sounds /ɔ/ and /ɪ/, similar to the "oy" sound in "boy" 17. /əʊ/: diphthong oh or oa or o-e, combination of the sounds /ə/ and /ʊ/, similar to the "oh" sound in "go" 18. /aʊə/: triphthong our or ow-er, combination of the sounds /aʊ/ and /ə/, similar to the "our" sound in "flower" 19. //: silent vowel, no specific pronunciation 20. //: syllable break, indicates a pause between syllables 21. //: word break, indicates a pause between words 怎么读(音标) 这些音标是用来表示英语单词中的发音,它们是由国际音标协会(IPA)制定的标准。每个音标都有其特定的发音规则和符号,可以帮助人们正确地读出单词的发音。在英语中,同一个字母或字母组合可能会有不同的发音,而使用这些音标可以准确地表达这些发音。 用法 这些音标通常会出现在词典中,帮助读者正确地读出单词的发音。它们也可以用来指导学习英语的人正确地发音,以及帮助外国人准确地学习英语的发音。此外,这些音标也可以在口语练习中使用,帮助提高英语口语能力。 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. /ə/:About: I'm not sure /əˈbaʊt/ what to do. 关于:我不确定该怎么做。 2. /ɑː/:Father: My /ˈfɑːðər/ is a great man. 父亲:我的父亲是一个伟大的人。 3. /æ/:Cat: I have a black /kæt/. 猫:我有一只黑猫。 4. /eɪ/:Say: Can you /seɪ/ that again? 说:你可以再说一遍吗? 5. /iː/:See: I can't see anything in the dark. 看见:在黑暗中我什么都看不见。 同义词及用法 1. schwa (/ə/) 的同义词为 unstressed neutral vowel 或 mid central unrounded vowel,表示一个不重读的中性元音。 2. long a (/ɑː/) 的同义词为 open back unrounded vowel 或 low back unrounded vowel,表示一个开放的低半元音。 3. short a (/æ/) 的同义词为 open front unrounded vowel 或 low front unrounded vowel,表示一个开放的低前元音。 4. diphthong ai (/eɪ/) 的同义词为 combination of the sounds /e/ and /ɪ/,表示两个元音的组合发音。 5. long e (/iː/) 的同义词为 high front unrounded vowel 或 close front unrounded vowel,表示一个高前元音。 编辑总结 在英语中,正确地发音是非常重要的。使用国际音标可以帮助我们准确地读出单词的发音,并且可以帮助我们学习和练习英语口语。因此,掌握这些48个英语音标是非常有益的。同时,在编写词典释义时,也要注意使用简洁明了的语言,并且提供清晰的例句来帮助读者更好地理解单词的含义和用法。



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