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一:3至11岁疫苗暂停了的意思 这个词组指的是在3至11岁儿童接种疫苗的过程中出现了暂停,即暂时停止接种的情况。这通常是由于相关或部门对疫苗安全性进行评估后存在安全隐患而做出的决定。 二:怎么读(音标) 此词组的中文读音为“sān zhì shíyī suì xīn guān yìmiáo zàn tíng le”,英文读音为“three to eleven years old COVID-19 vaccine suspension”。 三:用法 此词组通常用于描述3至11岁儿童接种疫苗过程中出现的暂停情况。可以作为动词使用,如“该国已经暂停了3至11岁儿童接种疫苗”的表达方式。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. 由于最近发生了一些不良反应,宣布暂停了3至11岁儿童接种疫苗。 Due to some adverse events that have occurred recently, the government has announced a suspension of COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 3 to 11. 2. 这次暂停将持续多长时间还不确定,相关部门正在进行安全性评估。 The duration of this suspension is still uncertain, and relevant authorities are conducting safety assessments. 3. 在暂停期间,家长们应该密切关注儿童的健康状况,如有不适应及时就医。 During the suspension, parents should closely monitor their children's health and seek medical treatment if any discomfort occurs. 4. 为了保障儿童的健康安全,决定暂停3至11岁儿童接种疫苗直到安全性得到确认。 In order to ensure the health and safety of children, the government has decided to suspend COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 3 to 11 until safety is confirmed. 5. 暂停接种并不意味着疫苗本身存在问题,而是出于对儿童健康的负责和谨慎态度。 The suspension does not mean there is a problem with the vaccine itself, but it reflects a responsible and cautious attitude towards children's health. 五:同义词及用法 暂停可以用suspend、halt、s等词替换。如“已经暂停了3至11岁儿童接种疫苗”可以改为“the government has halted COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 3 to 11”。 六:编辑总结 在肆虐的背景下,各国都在加紧推进疫苗接种计划。然而,针对3至11岁儿童接种疫苗的暂停引发了公众的担忧和质疑。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该客观准确地解释这一词组的含义,避免造成不必要的恐慌。同时,也要提醒大家关注儿童接种疫苗的安全性,并在相关部门发布信息后及时更新词条内容。



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