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March [maːtʃ] noun 1. the third month of the year, after February and before April 三月(一年的第三个月,在二月之后,四月之前) 2. a period of 31 days 三十一天的时间 3. the time of year when March is happening 三月份 4. a particular time in March, especially when something happens or is planned to happen 某一特定时刻(尤指某事发生或计划发生的时间) Example sentences: 1. I will be traveling to Japan in March to see the cherry blossoms. 我将在三月份去日本看樱花。 2. My birthday is in March, so I always have a big celebration. 我的生日是在三月,所以我总是有一个盛大的庆祝活动。 3. The weather in March can be unpredictable, with both warm and cold days. 三月的天气可能会变幻莫测,既有暖和的日子也有寒冷的日子。 4. The deadline for this project is the end of March. 这个项目的截止日期是三月底。 5. We usually have our annual company retreat in early March. 我们通常在三月初举行年度公司休假。 Synonyms: - third month of the year: Mar., 3rd month, springtime - 31 days: thirty-one days, one lunar month - time of year: spring season, early spring - particular time: specific date, set time Editor's summary: March is the third month of the year and has 31 days. It is a time of year when the weather can be unpredictable, with both warm and cold days. Some people plan special events or celebrations in March, while others may see it as a time for new beginnings as it marks the beginning of spring. Synonyms for March include Mar., 3rd month, and springtime.



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