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/ˌθriː dʒiː piː piː/ noun Definition: 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) is a global collaboration between telecommunications associations to develop and maintain standards for mobile communication systems. Pronunciation: The acronym "3GPP" is pronounced as "three G P P." Usage: 3GPP is used to refer to the organization and its work in developing standards for mobile communication systems. Example Sentences: 1. The 5G technology being rolled out by major telecom companies is based on the standards set by 3GPP. 1. 主要电信公司正在推出的5G技术是基于3GPP制定的标准。 2. The latest update from 3GPP includes improvements for better network coverage and faster data speeds. 2. 3GPP最新的更新包括改进网络覆盖范围和更快的数据速度。 3. Mobile devices that are compatible with 3GPP standards are able to connect to various networks around the world. 3. 兼容于3GPP标准的移动设备可以连接到世界各地的各种网络。 4. As a member of 3GPP, our company is committed to contributing to the development of mobile communication systems. 4. 作为3GPP的成员,我们公司致力于为移动通信的发展做出贡献。 5. The 5th generation of mobile networks, or 5G, was developed by 3GPP and promises faster speeds and lower latency. 5. 移动网络第五代(或称为5G)是由3GPP开发,承诺提供更快的速度和更低的延迟。 Synonyms and Usage: There are no direct synonyms for 3GPP, but the organization works closely with other associations such as ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and ITU (International Telecommunication Union) to develop global standards for mobile communication systems. Editor's Summary: 3GPP is a global collaboration between telecommunications associations that sets standards for mobile communication systems. The organization's work is crucial in ensuring compatibility and efficiency in the constantly evolving world of mobile technology. Their latest update, 5G, promises to revolutionize the way we connect and communicate on our mobile devices.



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