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[ˈθriːdiːtiː] noun 3dt is a three-dimensional technology, which refers to the creation or rendering of images or objects in three dimensions using computer software. It allows for a more realistic and immersive experience compared to traditional two-dimensional technologies. Example Sentences: 1. The new video game utilizes 3dt technology to create stunning graphics and lifelike animations. 这款新游戏采用了3dt技术,打造出令人惊叹的图形和逼真的动画效果。 2. The company is investing heavily in 3dt printing for faster and more accurate prototyping. 该公司正大力投资于3dt打印技术,以便更快速、更精准地进行原型制作。 3. Many movies are now released in 3dt format, allowing viewers to feel like they are part of the action. 许多电影现在都以3dt格式发布,让观众有如身临其境的感觉。 4. Architects use 3dt models to visualize their designs before construction begins. 建筑师在开始施工前使用3dt模型来可视化他们的设计。 5. Virtual reality headsets often utilize 3dt technology to create a fully immersive experience for users. 虚拟现实头盔通常采用3dt技术,为用户打造出完全沉浸式的体验。 Synonyms: - Three-dimensional - 3D - Stereoscopic Usage: The term "three-dimensional technology" can be shortened to "3d tech" or simply "3d" in informal contexts. It is commonly used in the fields of animation, video games, architecture, and virtual reality. With the continuous advancement of technology, 3dt is becoming more and more prevalent in various industries.



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