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[ˌθriːˌdiːpəˈræləksbækɡraʊnd] n. 三维视差背景 3dparallaxbackground is a term used to describe a type of background that creates a 3D effect through the use of parallax scrolling. This effect is achieved by having multiple layers of images moving at different speeds, giving the illusion of depth and creating a sense of immersion for the viewer. Usage: The term 3dparallaxbackground is commonly used in the field of web design and graphics, specifically in relation to creating visually appealing backgrounds for websites, apps, and games. It is also used in photography and videography to add depth and dimension to images and videos. Example Sentences: 1. The new website design features a stunning 3dparallaxbackground that adds a dynamic element to the overall aesthetic. 新的网站设计采用了令人惊叹的3dparallaxbackground,为整体美学增添了动感元素。 2. The game's immersive experience is enhanced by the use of a 3dparallaxbackground that changes as the player moves through different levels. 游戏中使用的3dparallaxbackground随着玩家在不同关卡中移动而变化,增强了沉浸式体验。 3. The photographer used a 3dparallaxbackground technique to capture stunning landscape photos with an added sense of depth. 摄影师采用了3dparallaxbackground技术,拍摄出具有更强深度感的精美风景照片。 4. The app's homepage features a mesmerizing 3dparallaxbackground that immediately catches the user's attention. 应用程序的首页采用了令人着迷的3dparallaxbackground,立即吸引了用户的注意力。 5. The video production team utilized a 3dparallaxbackground to create a cinematic effect in the opening sequence of the film. 视频制作团队利用3dparallaxbackground在电影开场序列中营造出电影般的效果。 Synonyms: Parallax scrolling, 3D effect, Depth effect Editor's Summary: 3dparallaxbackground is a popular technique used in web design and graphics to create visually appealing backgrounds with a sense of depth. It is achieved by having multiple layers of images moving at different speeds, creating an immersive experience for the viewer. This term is commonly used in relation to websites, apps, games, photography, and videography. Other terms that can be used interchangeably with 3dparallaxbackground include parallax scrolling and 3D effect.



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