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[ˈθriːˈθriːseɪtʃkɒm] 一:337hcom的意思 337hcom是一个网络词典,专门为用户提供单词和句子的释义及用法。 二:怎么读(音标) 337hcom的读音为[ˈθriːˈθriːseɪtʃkɒm],其中“th”发音为[t],“r”发音为[ɹ],“i”发音为[i],“s”发音为[s], “e”发音为[eɪ], “a”发音为[k], “c”发音为[k], “o”发音为[m]。 三:用法 337hcom是一个在线词典,用户可以通过输入单词或者句子来查询其释义和用法。它提供了多种语言翻译功能,并且还可以帮助用户学习正确的发音。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. My English teacher recommended 337hcom to me for its accurate and comprehensive definitions. 我的英语老师向我推荐了337hcom,因为它提供准确全面的释义。 2. I always use 337hcom to look up new words when I'm reading English books. 我在阅读英文书籍时经常使用337hcom来查找生词。 3. The pronunciation feature on 337hcom helps me improve my spoken English. 337hcom上的发音功能帮助我提高口语水平。 4. 337hcom offers synonyms and antonyms for each word, making it easier for me to expand my vocabulary. 337hcom为每个单词提供同义词和反义词,帮助我扩大词汇量。 5. Thanks to 337hcom, I no longer have to carry a heavy dictionary with me when traveling abroad. 多亏了337hcom,我在出国旅行时不再需要携带一本沉重的词典。 五:同义词及用法 1. dictionary (n.) - a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language in alphabetical order and gives their meaning, or that gives the equivalent words in a different language e.g. I always keep a dictionary on my desk for quick reference. 2. lexicon (n.) - the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge e.g. This book is an essential lexicon for anyone learning Spanish. 3. glossary (n.) - an alphabetical list of terms or words found in or relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations; a brief dictionary e.g. The glossary at the end of the textbook helped me understand some difficult terms. 4. thesaurus (n.) - a book that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts e.g. I used a thesaurus to find alternative words for my essay. 5. wordbook (n.) - another term for dictionary e.g. My grandfather gifted me his old wordbook from when he was studying English. 六:编辑总结 337hcom是一个方便用户查询单词和句子释义的在线词典。它提供了多种语言翻译功能,并且还可以帮助用户学习正确的发音。通过使用337hcom,用户可以扩大自己的词汇量,提高英语水平。同时,它也是一个不错的工具,帮助用户在阅读和写作时找到合适的同义词。总之,337hcom为用户提供了便捷、准确和全面的词典服务。



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