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[ei] aɪ [bi:] bɪ [si:] si: [di:] di: [i:] i: [ef] ɛf [dʒi:] dʒi: [eitʃ] eɪtʃ [ai] aɪ [dʒei] dʒeɪ [kæt] kæt [el] ɛl [em] ɛm [in] ɪn [ou] aʊ [pju:] pju: [kju:] kju: [a:r] ɑr [eis] eɪs [tʃi:] tʃi: [ju:] ju: [vi:] vi: [dəbəl ju:] dəbəl ju: [wai] waɪ 怎么读(音标) a: [ei] b: [bi:] c: [si:] d: [di:] e: [i:] f: [ef] g: [dʒi:] h: [eitʃ] i: [ai] j: [dʒei] k: [kæt] l: [el] m: [em] n: [in] o: [ou] p: [pju:] q: [kju:] r: [a:r] s: [eis] t:[tʃi:] u:[ju:] v:[vi:] w:[dəbəl ju:] x:[wai] 用法: 26个英文音标是指英文字母的发音,它们可以帮助读者正确地读出单词的发音。每个英文音标都有它自己的发音规则,有些音标只有一个字母,而有些则由两个或更多字母组成。英文音标通常用于词典、发音指南和语言学习教材中。 例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. The word "eye" is pronounced [ai]. (这个单词“eye”的读音是[ai]。) 2. She spelled her name for me, "Bee" as in [bi:]. (她给我拼写她的名字,“Bee”就像[bi:]一样。) 3. The word "see" is pronounced [si:]. (这个单词“see”的读音是[si:]。) 4. The letter "D" is pronounced [di:]. (字母“D”的读音是[di:]。) 5. In the word "me", the vowel sound is represented by the letter "e" which is pronounced [i:]. (在单词“me”中,元音的发音由字母“e”来表示,它的发音是[i:]。) 同义词及用法: 1. Pronunciation: the way a word or a language is spoken or written with the correct sounds and stress. Synonyms: articulation, enunciation, accent Example: She has good pronunciation in English. 2. Spelling: forming words with letters according to accepted usage. Synonyms: orthography, writing, composition Example: Can you check the spelling of this word for me? 3. Vowel: a speech sound made by humans when the breath flows out through the mouth without being blocked by any of the teeth, tongue, or lips. Synonyms: sound, tone, intonation Example: The word "eye" has two vowels. 4. Consonant: a basic speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed and which can be combined with a vowel to form a syllable. Synonyms: sound, letter, speech sound Example: The word "cat" has three consonants. 5. Stress: emphasis given to a particular syllable or word in speaking. Synonyms: accent, intonation, emphasis Example: In the word "pronunciation", the stress is on the second syllable. 编辑总结: 26个英文音标是英语学习中不可或缺的一部分,它们可以帮助我们正确地读出单词的发音。熟练掌握这些音标,可以帮助我们更准确地理解和表达英语。因此,学习和掌握这些音标是学习英语的重要一步。同时,在阅读词典和其他英语教材时,也要注意参考音标来正确地读出单词的发音。



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