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A-Z Alphabet Learning Made Easy A: (ei) 读作 [ˈeɪ] Meaning: The first letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to start writing or saying words in alphabetical order. Example: A for apple. 苹果的A。 B: (bi) 读作 [biː] Meaning: The second letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after A but before C in alphabetical order. Example: B for banana. 香蕉的B。 C: (si) 读作 [siː] Meaning: The third letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after B but before D in alphabetical order. Example: C for cat. 猫的C。 D: (di) 读作 [diː] Meaning: The fourth letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after C but before E in alphabetical order. Example: D for dog. 狗的D。 E: (i) 读作 [iː] Meaning: The fifth letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after D but before F in alphabetical order. Example:E for elephant. 大象的E。 F:(ef) 读作 [ef] Meaning:The sixth letter of the English alphabet. Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after E but before G in alphabetical order。 Example:F for frog. 青蛙的F。 G:(dʒi:) 读作 [dʒiː] Meaning:The seventh letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after F but before H in alphabetical order。 Example:G for giraffe. 长颈鹿的G。 H:(eitʃ) 读作 [eɪtʃ] Meaning:The eighth letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after G but before I in alphabetical order。 Example:H for hat. 帽子的H。 I:(ai) 读作 [aɪ] Meaning:The ninth letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after H but before J in alphabetical order。 Example:I for ice cream. 冰淇淋的I。 J:(dʒei) 读作 [dʒeɪ] Meaning:The tenth letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after I but before K in alphabetical order。 Example:J for jellyfish. 水母的J。 K: (kei) 读作 [keɪ] Meaning: The eleventh letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after J but before L in alphabetical order. Example: K for kangaroo. 袋鼠的K。 L: (el) 读作 [el] Meaning: The twelfth letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after K but before M in alphabetical order. Example: L for lion. 狮子的L。 M: (em) 读作 [em] Meaning: The thirteenth letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after L but before N in alphabetical order. Example: M for monkey. 猴子的M。 N: (en) 读作 [en] Meaning: The fourteenth letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after M but before O in alphabetical order. Example: N for nurse. 护士的N。 O: (ou) 读作 [əʊ] Meaning: The fifteenth letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after N but before P in alphabetical order. Example: O for ocus. 章鱼的O。 P: (pi) 读作 [piː] Meaning: The sixteenth letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after O but before Q in alphabetical order. Example: P for panda. 熊猫的P。 Q:(kju:) 读作 [kjuː] Meaning:The seventeenth letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after P but before R in alphabetical order。 Example:Q for queen. 女王的Q。 R:(a:) 读作 [ɑː] Meaning:The eighteenth letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after Q but before S in alphabetical order。 Example:R for rainbow. 彩虹的R。 S:(es) 读作 [es] Meaning:The nineteenth letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after R but before T in alphabetical order。 Example:S for snake. 蛇的S。 T:(ti:) 读作 [tiː] Meaning:The twentieth letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after S but before U in alphabetical order。 Example:T for tiger. 老虎的T。 U:(ju:) 读作 [juː] Meaning: The twenty-first letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after T but before V in alphabetical order. Example: U for umbrella. 雨伞的U。 V: (vi) 读作 [viː] Meaning: The twenty-second letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after U but before W in alphabetical order. Example: V for violin. 小提琴的V。 W:(dʌbəlju:) 读作 [ˈdʌbəljuː] Meaning:The twenty-third letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after V but before X in alphabetical order。 Example:W for whale. 鲸鱼的W。 X:(eks) 读作 [eks] Meaning:The twenty-fourth letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after W but before Y in alphabetical order。 Example:X for xylophone. 铁琴的X。 Y:(wai) 读作 [waɪ] Meaning:The twenty-fifth letter of the English alphabet。 Usage:Use it to describe something that comes after X but before Z in alphabetical order。 Example:Y for yellow. 黄色的Y。 Z:(zi) 读作 [ziː] Meaning: The twenty-sixth and final letter of the English alphabet. Usage: Use it to describe something that comes after Y in alphabetical order. Example: Z for zebra. 斑马的Z。 Synonyms: 1. Alphabet - ABCs, letters 2. Learn - study, memorize 3. Pronunciation - enunciation, articulation 4. Usage - application, utilization 5. Example - sample, instance Editor's Summary: Learning the 26 letters of the alphabet can seem daunting at first, but with practice and repetition, it can become second nature. Start by familiarizing yourself with each letter's sound and how to pronounce it correctly. Then, use them to form words and sentences in alphabetical order. Remember to use examples and synonyms to better understand the meaning and usage of each letter. With time and effort, you'll be able to master the English alphabet easily!



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