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2023 College Entrance Examination Retest Pros and Cons 2023 kǎo fǔ dú de lì bì Noun. The advantages and disadvantages of retaking the 2023 college entrance examination. Usage: In China, the college entrance examination (gaokao) is a crucial exam that determines a student's future academic and career opportunities. Due to various reasons, some students may choose to retake the exam in 2023 after their initial attempt in 2022. Example Sentences: 1. Retaking the 2023 college entrance examination may give students a second chance to improve their scores and get into their desired universities. 复读2023年的高考可以给学生第二次机会提高分数,进入他们理想的大学。 2. However, the downside of retaking the exam is that it can be mentally and emotionally taxing for students who have already put in a lot of effort in their first attempt. 然而,复读考试的缺点是对于已经在第一次尝试中付出了很多努力的学生来说,这可能会在心理和情绪上造成负担。 3. Some students may also face pressure from their families or peers to perform better in the retake, adding to their stress and anxiety. 一些学生可能还面临来自家庭或同龄人的压力,在复读中表现更好,增加了他们的压力和焦虑。 4. Retesting for the 2023 college entrance examination also means delaying a student's entry into university by another year, potentially affecting their career timeline. 复读参加2023年高考也意味着将学生的大学入学时间推迟一年,可能会影响他们的职业发展计划。 5. Despite its challenges, retaking the 2023 college entrance examination can also be a valuable learning experience for students, teaching them resilience and determination in the face of setbacks. 尽管有挑战,但复读2023年高考也可以是学生宝贵的学习经历,他们在面对挫折时保持坚韧和决心。 Synonyms and Usage: 1. Retest (verb): to take a test again in order to improve one's score. 重新考试(动词):为了提高分数而再次参加考试。 2. Second chance (noun): an opportunity to try again after a previous attempt has failed. 第二次机会(名词):在之前的尝试失败后再次尝试的机会。 3. Downside (noun): the negative or less desirable aspect of something. 缺点(名词):某事物的负面或不太理想的方面。 4. Mentally taxing (adjective phrase): emotionally draining or demanding on one's mental state. 上耗费力气(形容词短语):对一个人的状态造成情绪消耗或要求很高。 5. Career timeline (noun phrase): the planned sequence of events and milestones in a person's professional life. 职业发展计划(名词短语):一个人专业生涯中计划好的顺序和里程碑。 Editor's Summary: Retaking the 2023 college entrance examination has its pros and cons. While it can offer a second chance for students to improve their scores, it can also be mentally and emotionally taxing. It may also delay a student's entry into university and affect their career timeline. However, it can also be a valuable learning experience, teaching resilience and determination in the face of setbacks.



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