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Meaning: The most popular phrase in 2021. Pronunciation: /ˈtwɛnti-ˈtwɛn.ti-ˈhɑt.ʃəd ˈfɔr ˈtwɛn.ti-ˈtwɛn.ti wʌn/ Usage: This phrase is used to describe something that has gained widespread attention and popularity in the year 2021. Example sentences: 1. This catchphrase has become the talk of the town, it's definitely the 2021 most red short sentence. 这句流行语已经成为全城的话题,绝对是2021年最红的短句。 2. "New year, new me" seems to be the 2021 most red short sentence on social media. “新的一年,新的我”似乎是社交媒体上最红的短句。 3. The use of this phrase has skyrocketed since it was coined, making it the 2021 most red short sentence. 自从这句话被创造出来后,它的使用量就飙升,成为了2021年最红的短句。 4. Everyone seems to be using this phrase nowadays, it's definitely the 2021 most red short sentence. 现在似乎每个人都在使用这句话,它绝对是2021年最红的短句。 5. From politicians to celebrities, this phrase has been on everyone's lips, making it the 2021 most red short sentence. 从家到名人,这句话已经成为了每个人的口头禅,使其成为了2021年最红的短句。 Synonyms and usage: - Popular phrase: a phrase that has gained widespread attention and popularity. - Trending sentence: a sentence that is currently popular or trending. - Viral catchphrase: a catchphrase that has become popular through social media or online platforms. Editor's note: The phrase "2021 most red short sentence" is a play on words, using the Chinese word "hong" (红) which means both "popular" and "red". It is often used to describe something that has gained widespread attention and popularity in the year 2021, especially on social media platforms. It can be seen as a reflection of the fast-paced and ever-changing nature of modern society, where trends come and go quickly. This phrase also highlights the power of social media in shaping popular culture and language.



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