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音标:[wʌn ænd zɪərəʊ] 用法:数字1和0是指二进制中的两个数字,分别“开”和“关”的状态。它们是计算机中最基本的单位,也被称为二进制位或比特(bit)。在计算机科学中,1和0通常用于表示逻辑值,如真(1)或假(0)。 例句: 1. In binary code, 1 and 0 are used to represent on and off states. (在二进制代码中,1和0被用来表示开和关的状态。) 2. The computer reads instructions in the form of 1s and 0s. (计算机以1和0的形式读取指令。) 3. The binary system, with its use of only two digits, revolutionized the way computers process information. (二进制仅使用两个数字,彻底改变了计算机处理信息的方式。) 4. The programmer had to carefully arrange the 1s and 0s in the code to ensure the program runs smoothly. (程序员必须仔细安排代码中的1和0,以确保程序运行顺利。) 5. Learning how to read binary is an essential skill for anyone interested in computer programming. (学习如何读取二进制是对计算机编程感兴趣的人必备的技能。) 同义词及用法: - Binary: a number system with a base of two, using only 1 and 0 as digits - Digit: a single number, such as 1 or 0 - Bit: the smallest unit of information in a computer, represented by either 1 or 0 - Boolean: a data type with only two possible values, typically represented by 1 and 0 编辑总结: 数字1和0在计算机科学中具有重要的意义,它们二进制中最基本的单位,也被用来表示逻辑值。掌握如何读取和使用1和0是计算机编程中必不可少的技能。此外,还可以通过同义词来拓展对这一概念的理解。



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