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1. one [wʌn] Meaning: the number 1 Pronunciation: wuhn Usage: It is used to denote a single person or thing. Example: One is the first number in the sequence of natural numbers. (一是自然数序列中的第一个数字。) 2. two [tuː] Meaning: the number 2 Pronunciation: too Usage: It is used to denote a quantity or amount of two. Example: There are two apples on the table. (桌子上有两个苹果。) 3. three [θriː] Meaning: the number 3 Pronunciation: three Usage: It is used to denote a quantity or amount of three. Example: Three is considered a lucky number in many cultures. (三在许多文化中被认为是幸运数字。) 4. four [fɔː] Meaning: the number 4 Pronunciation: fohr Usage: It is used to denote a quantity or amount of four. Example: She has four siblings. (她有四个兄弟姐妹。) 5. five [faɪv] Meaning: the number 5 Pronunciation: fahyv Usage: It is used to denote a quantity or amount of five. Example: I have five fingers on each hand. (我每只手有五根手指。) 6. six [sɪks] Meaning: the number 6 Pronunciation:siks Usage:It is used to denote a quantity or amount of six. Example:There are six days in a week.(一周有六天。) 7.seven [ˈsevən] Meaning: the number 7 Pronunciation: sev-uhn Usage: It is used to denote a quantity or amount of seven. Example: There are seven colors in a rainbow. (彩虹有七种颜色。) 8. eight [eɪt] Meaning: the number 8 Pronunciation: eyt Usage: It is used to denote a quantity or amount of eight. Example: The ocus has eight tentacles. (章鱼有八条触手。) 9. nine [naɪn] Meaning: the number 9 Pronunciation: nahyn Usage: It is used to denote a quantity or amount of nine. Example: There are nine planets in our solar system. (我们的太阳系有九大行星。) 10. ten [ten] Meaning: the number 10 Pronunciation: ten Usage:It is used to denote a quantity or amount of ten. Example:There are ten players on a football team.(足球队有十名球员。) Synonyms: 1. single - one 2. pair - two 3. trio - three 4. quartet - four 5. quintet - five 6. sextet - six 7. septet - seven 8. octet - eight 9. nonet - nine 10.decet - ten Editor's Summary: Numbers play an important role in our daily lives, and these 1-10 English words represent the basic numerical system we use to count and quantify things around us. These words have simple pronunciations and are easy to use in everyday conversations and written texts. Knowing how to pronounce and use these numbers correctly can help improve your English communication skills and make you sound more fluent.



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