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November [noˈvembər] noun. the eleventh month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the last month of autumn 十一月(一年的第十一个月,通常被视为秋季的最后一个月,位于北半球) 1. November is the month when autumn is coming to an end and winter is approaching. 十一月是秋天即将结束、冬天即将来临的月份。 2. The weather in November is usually cold and windy. 十一月的天气通常寒冷多风。 3. In November, people celebrate Thanksgiving Day in many countries. 在十一月,许多都会庆祝感恩节。 4. My birthday is in November, so I always look forward to this month every year. 我的生日在十一月,所以我每年都很期待这个月。 5. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and red in November, making it a beautiful time of the year. 十一月时树上的叶子变成了黄色和红色,使得这个时候变得非常美丽。 Synonyms: 1. Eleventh month: This refers to the position of November in a calendar year, as it is the eleventh month. 2. Fall: This term is commonly used in North America to refer to autumn, which includes the months of September, October, and November. 3. Harvest season: This term highlights one of the main activities during this time of year - harvesting crops before winter arrives. 编辑总结: November是英语中表示十一月的词汇,在北半球通常被视为秋季的最后一个月。它的发音是[noˈvembər],是一年中秋天即将结束、冬天即将来临的月份。在十一月,人们会庆祝感恩节,并且天气通常寒冷多风。Synonyms中提到了Eleventh month、Fall和Harvest season这三个同义词,它们都可以用来表示November。总的来说,November是一个非常特别的月份,它标志着秋天的结束和冬天的开始。



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