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意思:指销售价格低廉,但利润高的十种小吃。 读音:[tɛn dɑɪˈæləs ˈloʊ kɔst smɑl tʃi] 用法:用于描述在市场上销售价格低廉,但利润高的十种小吃。 例句1:这家小店的10大暴利低成本小吃非常受欢迎,每天都有很多顾客来购买。 This small shop's 10 most profitable low-cost snacks are very popular, and there are many customers who come to buy them every day. 例句2:这些10大暴利低成本小吃是由当地农民手工制作,味道鲜美,价格实惠。 These 10 most profitable low-cost snacks are handmade by local farmers, with delicious taste and affordable prices. 例句3:我最喜欢的10大暴利低成本小吃是炸鸡块,每次路过都会买一份。 My favorite of the 10 most profitable low-cost snacks is fried chicken nuggets, and I always buy one whenever I pass by. 例句4:这家餐厅推出了一系列创意十足的10大暴利低成本小吃,吸引了很多年轻人光顾。 This restaurant has launched a series of creative 10 most profitable low-cost snacks, attracting many young people to visit. 例句5:这些10大暴利低成本小吃的销量非常好,是店家的主要利润来源。 These 10 most profitable low-cost snacks have a very good sales volume and are the main source of profit for the store. 同义词及用法:暴利低价小吃、高利润廉价小吃、低成本高回报小吃等。 编辑总结:10大暴利低成本小吃指的是销售价格低廉,但利润高的十种小吃,通常由当地农民或手工制作,味道鲜美,受到消费者的欢迎。它们不仅可以满足人们对美味食物的需求,还可以带来可观的收益。



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