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1. Hello! (həˈloʊ) - used as a greeting to say "hi" 2. Thank you. (θæŋk ju) - used to express gratitude 3. How are you? (haʊ ɑr ju) - used to ask about someone's well-being 4. I'm fine, thank you. (aɪm faɪn θæŋk ju) - used to respond positively to "How are you?" 5. What's your name? (wɑts jər neɪm) - used to ask for someone's name 6. My name is John. (maɪ neɪm ɪz dʒɑn) - used to introduce oneself 7. Nice to meet you! (naɪs tu mit ju) - used as a friendly greeting when meeting someone for the first time 8. Excuse me, where is the bathroom? (ɪksˈkjuːz mi, weər ɪz ðə ˈbæθrum) - used to ask for directions to the bathroom 9. I don't understand. (aɪ doʊnt ʌndərˈstænd) - used when one doesn't understand something 10. Can you repeat that, please? (kæn ju rəˈpiːt ðæt pliːz) - used when asking someone to repeat what they said 11. Sorry, I didn't catch that. (sɔri, aɪ dɪdnt kætʃ ðæt) - used when one didn't hear or understand something 12. Where are you from? (weər ɑr ju frəm) - used to ask about someone's nationality or place of origin 13. I'm from Canada. (aɪm frəm ˈkænədə) - used to state one's nationality or place of origin 14. What do you do for a living? (wɑt du ju du fɔr ə ˈlɪvɪŋ) - used to ask about someone's profession or job 15. I'm a teacher. (aɪm ə ˈtiːtʃər) - used to state one's profession or job 16. How old are you? (haʊ oʊld ɑr ju) - used to ask about someone's age 17. I'm 25 years old. (aɪm ˈtwɛnti faɪv jɪrz oʊld) - used to state one's age 18. What's your favorite food? (wɑts jər ˈfeɪvərət fuːd) - used to ask about someone's favorite food 19. My favorite food is pizza. (maɪ ˈfeɪvərət fuːd ɪz piːtsə) - used to state one's favorite food 20. How was your day? (haʊ wɑz jər deɪ) - used to ask about someone's day 21. It was great, thanks! (It wuz greyt, θæŋks!) - used to respond positively to "How was your day?" 22. What time is it? (wʌt taɪm ɪz ɪt) - used to ask about the current time 23. It's 3 o'clock. (ɪts θriː əˈklɑk) - used to state the current time 24. Can I have a glass of water, please? (kæn aɪ hæv ə glæs əv ˈwɔtər pliːz) - used to ask for something politely 25. Of course, here you go. (ʌv kɔrs, hir ju goʊ) - used to respond positively to a request 26. What's the weather like today? (wʌts ðə ˈwɛðər laɪk təˈdeɪ) - used to ask about the current weather 27. It's sunny and warm. (ɪts ˈsʌni ænd wɔrm) - used to describe the weather 28. Can I help you with anything? (kæn aɪ hɛlp ju wɪð ˈenijŋ) - used to offer assistance 29. No, thank you, I'm just browsing. (noʊ θæŋk ju, aɪm dʒəst braʊzɪŋ) - used to decline an offer for help 30. How much is this shirt? (haʊ mʌtʃ ɪz ðɪs ʃərt) - used to ask about the price of an item 31. It's $20. (its twenti dɑlərz) - used to state the price of an item 32. Where can I find a good restaurant? (weər kæn aɪ fɑnd ə gʊd ˈrɛstrɑnt) - used to ask for recommendations for a good restaurant 33. You should try the Italian place down the street. (ju ʃʊd traɪ ði ɪˈtæljən pleɪs daʊn ðə strit) - used to give a recommendation 34. Can you recommend any good books? (kæn ju rɛkəmˈɛnd ˈɛni gʊd bʊks) - used to ask for book recommendations 35. Sure, have you read "To Kill a Mockingbird"? (ʃʊr, hæv ju rɛd tu kɪl ə mɑkɪŋbərd) - used to respond with a specific book recommendation 36. What's your favorite hobby? (wʌts jər ˈfeɪvərət ˈhɑbi) - used to ask about someone's favorite hobby 37. I love hiking and camping. (aɪ lʌv haɪkɪŋ ænd kæmpɪŋ) - used to state one's favorite hobbies 38. Do you want to go for a walk? (du ju wɑnt tu goʊ fər ə wak) - used to invite someone for a walk 39. Yes, that sounds great! (jɛs, ðæt saʊndz greyt!) - used to accept an invitation 40. How do you spell your last name? (haʊ du ju spɛl jər lɑst neɪm) - used to ask for the spelling of someone's last name 41. It's spelled S-m-i-t-h. (ɪts spɛld smɪθ) - used to spell out a name 42. Can I have a receipt, please? (kæn aɪ hæv ə rəˈsiːt pliːz) - used to ask for a proof of purchase 43. Of course, here you go. (ʌv kɔrs, hir ju goʊ) - used to respond positively to a request 44. What's your favorite color? (wʌts jər ˈfeɪvərət ˈkʌlər) - used to ask about someone's favorite color 45. My favorite color is blue. (maɪ ˈfeɪvərət ˈkʌlər ɪz blu) - used to state one's favorite color 46. Where did you go on vacation? (weər dɪd ju goʊ ɑn vəˈkeɪʃən) - used to ask about someone's vacation destination 47. I went to Hawaii. (aɪ wɛnt tu həˈwaɪi) - used to state one's vacation destination 48. Can I have some more water, please? (kæn aɪ hæv sʌm mɔr ˈwɔtər pliːz) - used to ask for more of something politely 49. How do you make this dish? (haʊ du ju meɪk ðɪs dɪʃ) - used to ask for a recipe 50. It's a secret family recipe. (ɪts ə ˈsiːkrət ˈfæməli ˈrɛsəpi) - used to keep a recipe secret 51. Can you speak any other languages? (kæn ju spik ˈɛni ˈəðər ˈlæŋgwədʒɪz) - used to ask about someone's language abilities 52. Yes, I can speak Spanish and French. (jɛs, aɪ kæn spik spænɪʃ ænd frɛntʃ) - used to state one's language abilities 53. What's your favorite movie? (wʌts jər ˈfeɪvərət ˈmuvi) - used to ask about someone's favorite movie 54. My favorite movie is "The Shawshank Redemption". (maɪ ˈfeɪvərət ˈmuvi ɪz ði ʃoʊʃæŋk rɪdempʃən) - used to state one's favorite movie 55. How do you say "hello" in Spanish? (haʊ du ju seɪ həˈloʊ ɪn spænɪʃ) - used to ask for a translation 56. It's "hola". (its "oʊlə") - used to give a translation 57. Can I have the check, please? (kæn aɪ hæv ðə tʃɛk pliːz) - used to ask for the bill at a restaurant 58. Of course, here you go. (ʌv kɔrs, hir ju goʊ) - used to respond positively to a request 59. How long have you lived here? (haʊ lɔŋ hæv ju lɪvd hɪr) - used to ask about someone's length of residence in a place 60. I've lived here for 10 years. (aɪv lɪvd hɪr fər tɛn jɪrz) - used to state one's length of residence 61. What's your favorite holiday? (wʌts jər ˈfeɪvərət ˈhɑlədeɪ) - used to ask about someone's favorite holiday 62. My favorite holiday is Christmas. (maɪ ˈfeɪvərət ˈhɑlədeɪ ɪz ˈkrisməs) - used to state one's favorite holiday 63. Can you help me with my homework? (kæn ju hɛlp mi wɪð maɪ ˈhoʊmw



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