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1. Aisling (ˈæʃlɪŋ) - Irish name meaning "dream" or "vision". Usage: This name is often given to girls and is pronounced as "ASH-ling". Example sentence: Aisling couldn't believe her eyes when she saw a shooting star in the sky. (艾斯林看到天空中的流星时简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。) Synonyms: Dream, Vision, Fantasy. 2. Caius (ˈkaɪəs) - Latin name meaning "rejoice". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "KYE-əs". Example sentence: Caius couldn't s smiling when he received his first paycheck. (凯厄斯收到第一笔薪水时忍不住笑了起来。) Synonyms: Celebrate, Delight, Joy. 3. Eirlys (ˈeɪrlɪs) - Welsh name meaning "snowdrop" or "snowflake". Usage: This name is often given to girls and is pronounced as "AYR-lis". Example sentence: Eirlys loves playing in the snow during winter. (艾尔利斯喜欢在冬天玩雪。) Synonyms: Snow, Winter, Cold. 4. Kaelen (keɪlən) - Celtic name meaning "slender" or "fair". Usage: This name can be used for both boys and girls and is pronounced as "KAY-lən". Example sentence: Kaelen has always been known for her graceful dance moves. (凯伦因其优雅的舞姿而闻名。) Synonyms: Graceful, Elegant, Thin. 5. Leif (leɪf) - Scandinavian name meaning "heir" or "descendant". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "LAYF". Example sentence: Leif was proud to continue his family's legacy as a successful businessman. (莱夫为能继承家族作为成功商人的传承感到自豪。) Synonyms: Inheritor, Successor, Descendant. 6. Niamh (niːv) - Irish name meaning "bright" or "radiant". Usage: This name is often given to girls and is pronounced as "NEEV". Example sentence: Niamh's smile could light up a room. (妮芙的微笑能照亮整个房间。) Synonyms: Bright, Shining, Luminous. 7. Orin (ˈɔːrɪn) - Gaelic name meaning "pale" or "golden". Usage: This name can be used for both boys and girls and is pronounced as "OR-in". Example sentence: Orin's hair had a golden sheen under the sunlight. (奥林的头发在阳光下有着金色的光泽。) Synonyms: Pale, Fair, Blonde. 8. Phoebe (ˈfiːbi) - Greek name meaning "bright" or "shining". Usage: This name is often given to girls and is pronounced as "FEE-bee". Example sentence: Phoebe's eyes sparkled with excitement as she opened her birthday presents. (菲比打开生日礼物时眼睛闪烁着兴奋的光芒。) Synonyms: Bright, Shining, Radiant. 9. Ronan (ˈroʊnən) - Irish name meaning "little seal" or "little seal warrior". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "RO-nən". Example sentence: Ronan loved swimming and often pretended to be a seal in the water. (罗南喜欢游泳,经常在水里假装是一只海豹。) Synonyms: Seal, Warrior, Brave. 10. Seren (ˈsɛrən) - Welsh name meaning "star". Usage: This name can be used for both boys and girls and is pronounced as "SERR-en". Example sentence: Seren's performance on stage was like a shining star in the night sky. (塞伦在舞台上的表演就像夜空中一颗闪耀的星星。) Synonyms: Star, Celestial body, Luminary. 11. Tadhg (teɪɡ) - Irish name meaning "poet" or "philosopher". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "TAYG". Example sentence: Tadhg loved reading and writing poetry in his free time. (塔格喜欢在空闲时间阅读和写诗。) Synonyms: Poet, Bard, Wordsmith. 12. Una (uːnə) - Irish name meaning "unity" or "truth". Usage: This name is often given to girls and is pronounced as "OO-nə". Example sentence: Una always stood up for what she believed in. (乌娜总是坚持自己的信念。) Synonyms: Unity, Harmony, Oneness. 13. Vesper (ˈvɛspər) - Latin name meaning "evening". Usage: This name can be used for both boys and girls and is pronounced as "VES-pər". Example sentence: Vesper enjoyed watching the sunset every evening. (维斯帕每天晚上都喜欢看日落。) Synonyms: Evening, Twilight, Dusk. 14. Xanthe (ˈzænθi) - Greek name meaning "yellow" or "golden". Usage: This name is often given to girls and is pronounced as "ZAN-thee". Example sentence: Xanthe's hair shone like gold in the sunlight. (赞西的头发在阳光下闪耀着金色的光芒。) Synonyms: Yellow, Golden, Bright. 15. Yorick (ˈjɔːrɪk) - Dutch name meaning "farmer" or "earth-worker". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "YAWR-ik". Example sentence: Yorick grew up on a farm and loved working with the land. (约里克在农场长大,喜欢和土地一起工作。) Synonyms: Farmer, Earth-worker, Agriculturalist. 16. Zephyr (ˈzɛfər) - Greek name meaning "west wind" or "gentle breeze". Usage: This name can be used for both boys and girls and is pronounced as "ZEF-ər". Example sentence: Zephyr enjoyed the feeling of the gentle breeze on his face. (泽菲尔喜欢脸上轻柔的微风。) Synonyms: West wind, Breeze, Gust. 17. Althea (ælˈθiːə) - Greek name meaning "healer" or "wholesome". Usage: This name is often given to girls and is pronounced as "al-THEE-ə". Example sentence: Althea was known for her kind heart and healing touch. (阿尔西亚因其善良的心灵和治愈的手法而闻名。) Synonyms: Healer, Physician, Therapist. 18. Bram (bræm) - Dutch name meaning "father of multitudes" or "raven". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "BRAM". Example sentence: Bram was proud to be a father of three children. (布拉姆为自己是三个孩子的父亲感到自豪。) Synonyms: Father, Raven, Multitude. 19. Calista (kəˈlɪstə) - Greek name meaning "most beautiful" or "very lovely". Usage: This name is often given to girls and is pronounced as "kə-LIS-tə". Example sentence: Calista's beauty was admired by everyone who saw her. (卡丽斯塔的美丽受到每个见到她的人的赞赏。) Synonyms: Beautiful, Lovely, Gorgeous. 20. Daxton (ˈdæksən) - English name meaning "warrior's town" or "town of the warrior". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "DAX-tən". Example sentence: Daxton was named after his great-great-grandfather who was a brave warrior. (达克斯顿以他的曾曾祖父命名,后者是一位勇敢的战士。) Synonyms: Warrior, Brave, Strong. 21. Elara (ɛˈlærə) - Greek name meaning "bright" or "brilliant". Usage: This name can be used for both boys and girls and is pronounced as "ɛ-LAR-ə". Example sentence: Elara's smile lit up the room. (埃拉拉的微笑照亮了整个房间。) Synonyms: Bright, Brilliant, Radiant. 22. Finlay (ˈfɪnleɪ) - Scottish name meaning "fair-haired hero" or "fair warrior". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "FIN-lay". Example sentence: Finlay's red hair made him stand out from the rest of his classmates. (芬莱的红头发让他在同学中脱颖而出。) Synonyms: Hero, Warrior, Fair. 23. Gaia (ˈgaɪə) - Greek name meaning "earth" or "mother earth". Usage: This name can be used for both boys and girls and is pronounced as "GUY-ə". Example sentence: Gaia loved spending time in nature and feeling connected to the earth. (盖亚喜欢在大自然中度过时间,感受与大地的。) Synonyms: Earth, Mother earth, Nature. 24. Hadrian (ˈheɪdriən) - Latin name meaning "from Hadria" or "dark one". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "HAY-dree-ən". Example sentence: Hadrian's dark hair and eyes gave him a mysterious aura. (哈德里安的黑发和黑眼睛给他带来神秘的气息。) Synonyms: Dark, Mysterious, Enigmatic. 25. Isolde (ɪˈzɒldə) - Celtic name meaning "ice ruler" or "iron ruler". Usage: This name is often given to girls and is pronounced as "I-zol-də". Example sentence: Isolde was known for her strong leadership skills and determination. (伊索尔德因其强大的领导能力和决心而闻名。) Synonyms: Ruler, Leader, Iron-willed. 26. Jago (ˈdʒeɪɡoʊ) - Cornish name meaning "supplanter" or "one who replaces". Usage: This name is commonly used for boys and is pronounced as "JAY-go".



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