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1.blockade是指阻塞或封锁某个地区或港口,通常是为了限制其交通和运输,以达到、或经济目的。:The government has imposed a blockade on the country's ports to prevent the import of weapons.

2.blockade的用法和例句读音读法:[blɒk'eɪd];例句:The army set up a blockade around the city, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.


例句1:The protestors established a blockade on the highway, causing major traffic disruptions.

例句2:During the war, the enemy placed a naval blockade on our coast, cutting off our supply routes.

例句3:The union workers organized a blockade outside the factory, demanding better working conditions.

例句4:The government has lifted the blockade on certain goods to ease trade restrictions with neighboring countries.

例句5:The rebels used a blockade to control the flow of resources into and out of their territory.


名词:economic blockade(经济封锁)、naval blockade(海上封锁)、political blockade(封锁)、trade blockade(贸易封锁)

动词:blockade(封锁)、impose a blockade on(对...实施封锁)、lift/blockade restrictions(解除/实施封锁限制)

形容词:blockaded (被封锁的)、blockading (正在进行封锁的)



英文:blockade, block, obstruct

blockade是一个非常重要的词汇,它涵盖了、和经济等多个领域。它可以用作名词、动词和形容词,常见搭配有economic blockade、naval blockade等。它的同义词有block、obstruct等。对我来说,这个词汇让我想起了战争、封锁和限制,让我感受到了不安和压抑。总之,blockade是一个充满复杂情感的词汇,在不同语境中都有着重要的含义。


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