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1.birthday是指一个人出生的日期,通常用来庆祝一个人的生日。:Today is my birthday, so I'm having a party to celebrate.

2.birthday也可以用来表示某个事物或成立的纪念日。:The company's 50th birthday is coming up next month, and we're planning a big celebration.

3.在英式英语中,birthday也可以用来表示“生日礼物”。:I got a new bike for my birthday this year.

4.birthday在美式英语中也可以作为形容词使用,意为“出生的”。:My birthday suit is my favorite outfit to wear at home.

5.在一些特定的场合,birthday也可以指代“重要的里程碑”。:The country celebrated its 100th birthday with a grand parade.






例句1: My daughter's first birthday is coming up, and we're planning a big party for her.

例句2: We always celebrate our wedding anniversary as if it were our second birthday.

例句3: I received many gifts on my 18th birthday, but the best one was a handwritten card from my parents.

例句4: The country's independence day is considered its birthday and is celebrated with great pride and joy.

例句5: My friend and I have the same birthday, so we always throw a joint party to celebrate together.


1. happy birthday 生日快乐

2. birthday cake 生日蛋糕

3. birthday present 生日礼物

4. birthday party 生日派对

5. birthday wish 生日祝福


1.birthday是指一个人出生的日期,通常用来庆祝一个人的生日。:Today is my birthday, so I'm having a party to celebrate. 今天是我的生日,所以我要举办派对庆祝。

2.birthday也可以用来表示某个事物或成立的纪念日。:The company's 50th birthday is coming up next month, and we're planning a big celebration. 公司成立50周年纪念日将在下个月到来,我们正在筹备一场盛大的庆祝活动。

3.在英式英语中,birthday也可以用来表示“生日礼物”。:I got a new bike for my birthday this year. 我今年生日收到了一辆新自行车作为礼物。

4.birthday在美式英语中也可以作为形容词使用,意为“出生的”。:My birthday suit is my favorite outfit to wear at home. 我最喜欢在家里穿的衣服就是我的生日装。

5.在一些特定的场合,birthday也可以指代“重要的里程碑”。:The country celebrated its 100th birthday with a grand parade. 这个用盛大的庆祝了它的100周年。



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