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1. beat是什么意思(解释)?

beat作为一个名词,有多种含义。首先,它可以表示“节拍”,特别是音乐中的节拍。,“The beat of the song is very catchy.”(这首歌的节奏非常动听。)此外,beat也可以指“跳动”或“心跳”。,“My heart skipped a beat when I saw her.”(当我看到她时,我的心跳了一下。)此外,beat还可以表示“击败”或“打败”。,“Our team was able to beat the competition.”(我们的队伍成功击败了对手。)

2. beat是什么意思(解释)?

作为一个动词,beat同样有多种含义。首先,它可以表示“打”或“敲”。,“She beat the drum loudly.”(她大声敲着鼓。)此外,beat还可以指“搅拌”或“混合”。,“Beat the eggs and sugar together until they are fluffy.”(把鸡蛋和糖搅拌在一起直到变得蓬松。)此外,beat也可以表示“击败”或“战胜”。,“The champion easily beat his opponent.”(冠轻松地击败了他的对手。)

3. beat是什么意思(解释)?

除了以上的含义之外,beat还有其他用法。它可以表示“超越”或“超过”。,“Her heart was beating faster than ever before.”(她的心跳比以往任何时候都快。)此外,beat也可以表示“穿越”或“穿过”。,“We had to beat the crowds to get a good spot for the concert.”(我们必须穿过人群才能找到一个好位置观看演唱会。)


1. The beat of the music was so infectious that everyone started dancing.


2. He could feel his heart beat faster as he approached the finish line.


3. The chef showed us how to beat the egg whites until they formed stiff peaks.


4. The underdog team managed to beat their opponents and win the championship.


5. We need to beat the rush hour traffic if we want to make it to the meeting on time.


4. beat是什么意思(解释)?

作为一个名词,beat也可以用来表示一种节拍或鼓点的组合。,“The drummers kept a steady beat throughout the performance.”(鼓手们在整个表演中保持着稳定的节奏。)此外,beat也可以指“巡逻”或“巡查”。,“The police officer was on his beat when he noticed the suspicious activity.”(官在巡逻时注意到了可疑的活动。)

5. beat是什么意思(解释)?

作为一个形容词,beat可以表示“疲惫的”或“精疲力竭的”。,“After a long day at work, I was feeling beat.”(工作了一整天后,我感觉筋疲力尽。)此外,beat也可以指“被打败的”或“落后的”。,“Our team was beat in the first round of the tournament.”(我们的队伍在比赛的第一轮就被淘汰了。)



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