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1. bench是什么意思?bench的用法和例句有哪些?

Bench是一个名词,指的是长椅子或长凳子,通常由一块平面木板或金属板和四根腿组成。它可以用来坐着休息或者放置物品。:He sat on the bench in the park and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.(他坐在公园的长椅上,欣赏美丽的风景。)

2. bench是什么意思?bench的用法和例句有哪些?

Bench也可以指工作台或工作桌,特别是指木工、铁匠等手工艺人使用的工作台。:The carpenter is busy working at his bench.(木匠正忙着在他的工作台上工作。)

3. bench是什么意思?bench的用法和例句有哪些?

Bench还可以指一种运动器材,类似于椅子,用来做体育训练。:She can do 20 push-ups on the bench.(她可以在运动器材上做20个俯卧撑。)

4. bench是什么意思?bench的用法和例句有哪些?

Bench也可以指某个领域中最优秀或最重要的人或事物,类似于“顶尖”、“精英”。:He is the bench of the company's marketing team.(他是公司市场团队的精英。)

5. bench是什么意思?bench的用法和例句有哪些?

Bench还可以作为动词,指放置或安置某物于长椅、工作台等上。:She benched her bag next to her on the train.(她把包放在火车上的旁边长椅上。)




1. The old man sat on the bench in the park, enjoying the warm sunshine.


2. The carpenter is using his workbench to make a beautiful wooden chair.


3. The gym has a variety of benches for different types of exercises.


4. She is considered as the bench of her company's design team, with her outstanding creativity and skills.


5. He benched his backpack on the ground and started to take out his lunch.



1. workbench(工作台)

2. park bench(公园长椅)

3. bench press(卧推器材)

4. reserve bench(替补席)

5. bench warrant(逮捕令)


1. 长椅子/长凳子 - bench

2. 工作台/工作桌 - workbench

3. 运动器材 - bench press

4. 精英/顶尖 - bench

5. 放置/安置 - bench



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