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1.bin是什么意思?bin是一个名词,表示“垃圾箱”或者“容器”。:Please throw the trash into the bin.(请把垃圾扔进垃圾箱。)



(1)We need to buy a new bin for our kitchen.(我们需要给厨房买一个新的垃圾箱。)

(2)The recycling bin is full, we need to empty it.(回收箱已满,我们需要清空它。)

(3)He found a pair of gloves in the bin and put them on.(他在垃圾箱里找到一副手套并戴上了。)

(4)The mailman dropped the package in the bin outside our door.(邮递员把包裹放在门外的容器里。)

(5)She rummaged through the bin, looking for her lost keys.(她在垃圾箱里翻找,寻找她丢失的钥匙。)



例句:There was a foul smell coming from the dustbin. (从垃圾桶里散发出一股难闻的气味。)

(2)recycle bin:回收箱

例句:Don't forget to empty the recycle bin before you leave. (离开前别忘了清空回收箱。)

(3)waste bin:废物箱

例句:The waste bin was overflowing with paper. (废物箱里塞满了纸张。)


例句:Please use the ashbin instead of throwing your cigarette on the ground. (请使用烟灰缸,不要把烟头扔在地上。)

(5)skip bin:大型垃圾箱

例句:We rented a skip bin to dispose of all the construction debris. (我们租了一个大型垃圾箱来处理所有的建筑垃圾。)


1.bin是什么意思?What does bin mean?

2.bin的用法和例句How is bin used and what are some examples?

3.bin是什么意思?bin的用法和例句的用例What are some examples of using bin?

4.bin是什么意思?bin的用法和例句组词What are some phrases with bin?

5.bin是什么意思?bin的用法和例句的中英文对照What is the Chinese meaning and English translation for bin?



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