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1. bestir是什么意思?的解释:


2. bestir是什么意思?读音读法:


3. bestir是什么意思?的用例:

1) He finally bestirred himself and started working on the project.


2) The students were asked to bestir themselves and participate in the charity event.


3) She needs to bestir herself and find a new job.


4) It's time for you to bestir yourself and start exercising regularly.


5) The government needs to bestir itself and take action to solve the problem.


4. bestir是什么意思?组词:

1) bestir oneself (振作起来,开始行动)

2) bestirred (被激励的,被唤醒的)

3) bestirring (激励的,唤醒的)

4) bestirment (振作,活动)

5. bestir是什么意思?的中英文对照:

bestir: 使振作起来,使活动起来

oneself: 自己

finally: 最终,终于

start: 开始

working: 工作

project: 项目

students: 学生们

asked: 被要求

participate: 参加

charity event: 慈善活动

needs to: 需要

find: 找到

new job: 新工作

time for you to: 是你……的时候了

exercise regularly: 定期锻炼


take action: 采取行动

solve the problem:解决这个问题



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