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1. bai是什么意思?bai的用法及例句的解释:Bai is a Chinese word, spelled as bái, meaning white or blank. In Chinese, bai also has other meanings, such as "hundred" for quantity, "swing" for action, and "cypress" for place names. In modern Chinese, bai is often used as an adjective or noun.

2. bai是什么意思?bai的用法及例句读音读法:The pronunciation of bai is [bái], with the first tone. In pinyin, "a" is pronounced with the first tone and "i" has a special pronunciation here, which can be understood as gently inhaling. To pronounce it correctly, you can say "ba" first and then try to make an inhaling motion to get the correct pronunciation.

3. bai是什么意思?bai的用法及例句的用例:

(1) He is wearing a white shirt.

(2) The painter used white to depict the relationship between light and dark.

(3) There are one hundred books in this box.

(4) He put his hand on the table and swung it.

(5) My home is at No. 10 Cypress Lane.

4. bai是什么意思?bai的用法及例句组词:

(1) 白痴 (a person with low intelligence)

(2) 白日梦 (daydreaming)

(3) 白酒 (a type of alcohol, usually transparent or light yellow in color)

(4) 白板 (a writable surface, often used for meetings or teaching)

(5) 柏油路 (a road paved with asphalt)

5. bai是什么意思?bai的用法及例句的中英文对照:

白色 - white

空白 - blank

百 - hundred

摆 - swing

柏树 - cypress tree


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