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1. artistic是什么意思?


2. artistic的用法和例句有哪些?

a) 用作形容词,表示具有艺术性的:

- She has an artistic temperament. (她拥有一种艺术气质。)

- The painting is very artistic. (这幅画非常有艺术感。)

- His writing style is very artistic. (他的写作风格非常有艺术感染力。)

b) 用作名词,指从事或擅长艺术创作的人:

- He is a true artist, his work is always so artistic. (他是一个真正的艺术家,他的作品总是充满了艺术感。)

c) 用于短语中,表示某种特定类型或风格的艺术:

- She loves to visit art museums and galleries to appreciate different forms of artistic expression.(她喜欢参观美术馆和画廊,欣赏不同形式的艺术表现。)

- The performance was a perfect blend of music, dance and other artistic elements.(这场表演完美地融合了音乐、舞蹈和其他艺术元素。)

3. artistic是什么意思?artistic的用法和例句有哪些?读音读法


4. artistic是什么意思?artistic的用法和例句有哪些?的用例

1) The art exhibition showcased the works of various local and international artists, each with their own unique artistic style.


2) The ballet performance was a perfect blend of graceful movements and artistic expressions.


3) She has always had a passion for photography and her photos are not just snapshots, they are true works of art with an artistic touch.


4) The interior design of the restaurant is very artistic, with unique furniture and creative decorations.


5) The movie received critical acclaim for its beautiful cinematography and artistic direction.


5. artistic是什么意思?artistic的用法和例句有哪些?组词

- artistically (adv. 艺术地)

- artistry (n. 艺术性,艺术才能)

- unartistic (adj. 不具有艺术性的)

- non-artistic (adj. 非艺术性的)

- anti-artistic (adj. 反艺术的)

6. artistic是什么意思?artistic的用法和例句有哪些?的中英文对照

| 英文 | 中文 |


| artistic | 艺术的 |

| artistry | 艺术性,艺术才能 |

| artistically | 艺术地 |

| unartistic | 不具有艺术性的 |

| non-artistic | 非艺术性的 |

| anti-artistic | 反艺术的 |



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