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1. allocation是指将某物或某种资源分配给特定的人或地方,以满足特定的需求。:The government has made an allocation of funds for education.(已经拨出了教育经费。)

2. allocation的读音为[ˌæləˈkeɪʃn],音标为英文中的字母组合,没有具体的读法。

3. allocation的用例:

- The company's budget includes an allocation for marketing expenses.(公司的预算中包括营销费用的分配。)

- The teacher made an allocation of time for each student to present their project.(老师为每个学生安排了展示项目的时间。)

- The government's allocation of resources to rural areas has improved the living conditions there.(向农村地区分配资源,改善了当地的生活条件。)

- Our team discussed the allocation of tasks for the upcoming project.(我们团队讨论了即将开始的项目任务分配。)

- The hotel has a strict policy on the allocation of rooms for guests with special needs.(酒店对于有特殊需求的客人房间分配有严格的规定。)

4. allocation可以与其他词汇组成短语,如:

- resource allocation(资源分配)

- budget allocation(预算分配)

- time allocation(时间安排)

- task allocation(任务分配)

5. 对照中英文例句:

1)The company has increased its budgetary allocations for employee training.(公司已经增加了员工培训的预算分配。)

2)The allocation of resources needs to be carefully planned in order to achieve maximum efficiency.(资源的分配需要仔细规划,以达到最大的效率。)

3)The teacher made an equal allocation of time for each student to present their project.(老师为每个学生平均分配了展示项目的时间。)

4)The government's allocation of funds for healthcare has significantly improved the quality of medical services.(对医疗保健的经费分配显著提高了医疗服务质量。)

5)The hotel has a strict policy on the allocation of rooms for guests with special needs.(酒店对于有特殊需求的客人房间分配有严格的规定。)

6. 总结:allocation是指将某物或某种资源分配给特定的人或地方,以满足特定的需求。它可以用来描述各种资源,如资金、时间、任务等,在不同领域都有广泛的应用,如商业、教育、等。在日常生活中,我们也经常会遇到allocation这个词汇,因此了解它的意思和用法可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用它。


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